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I ended up crashing at a friend's place, Nikita. Still I was worried. What if he called my parents and asked about my whereabouts. I had told my sister not to tell my parents anything and I knew she wouldn't tell them anything, but what if he did.

So I called my parents and told them everything.My mother immediately summoned me home. I told her everything and she told me to stay at home for as long as I liked, even if its for a year. I didn't intend to be there that long.

I trusted him that he loved me enough that if I didn't come home for a night he would call up my parents, my friend's and try to find out that I was safe

I was wrong. He did not try to find me. Without knowing my whereabouts, he slept peacefully. And a week passed by but he did not call nor did he text and neither did I.

I thought that we had a type of arrangement in which we at least tried to keep each other happy but clearly, now things had changed. There was nothing left to save now and I had given up on whatever was even left.

I was tired of compelling to him, of constantly giving in and never receiving anything. All my efforts were futile, he only saw my faults.

I never agreed to somebody so much in my life. And never were my efforts so under appreciated. So it was decided then.

I was built out of defiance and defy I will.

Half the battle was won when I decided I wouldn't give in. I still had to fight the other half. That required me meeting him. So I went to meet him three times.

The first time was when, my mother called him. I needed my clothes. So my mother asked him if she could drop by and take them.

That's when he remembered he has a wife.Thank god he did. I guess he was suffering from partial amnesia since last week.

So after his memory was refreshed, he finally messaged me to meet him in a restaurant.

I didn't even want to see him. But my parents really wanted me to work out this marriage, so it was for their sake that I went.

I went there to meet him expecting he'll take two steps towards me .I didn't expect him to agree to my conditions. But I expected him to ask me to come back home. That was the least I expected.

The picture was quite different when I went there. He yelled at me for coming late. He didn't ask me to come back home once. He demanded it. He knew his mother's going to go to a wedding in Mumbai so he'd have to do all the work at home. That's the reason I was asked to come back home.

Basically he wanted a lot of things from me, which I didn't agree to. So he directly told me that we should take a divorce. He said he wasn't strong enough to take such a decision and I should be taking that decision for him.

For once, I wholeheartedly agreed with him. I had no problem obeying his command.

Too easy wasn't it?

Just when I am happy to fulfil his wishes he starts apologizing. He says he didn't mean it. He doesn't want a divorce. I told him to suck it up, because I did.

The next time I met him, he transitioned between being the good guy and the bad guy. He started begging at one point and when that doesn't work, he started blackmailing me.

"You know I have a lot of dirt on you. Things you did before marriage. I know everything. If I tell your parents they'll be so shocked. They'll have to go around hiding their head in shame," he said.

Needless to say, it was a low blow. I definitely wasn't going to negotiate with a man who resorts to blackmail.

Still I didn't want people to say I didn't try. So I kept my own conditions in front of him. It didn't do well with his ego so he himself agreed upon taking a divorce.

And I was finally headed towards my freedom.

Goodbye, honey :Story of an Indian brideWhere stories live. Discover now