What Would You Do? #7

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You stood shocked,  worried because he hadn't come home. "Babe? Are you okay?"  His breath hitched on the line before returning to normal. You could hear glass bottles clinking together but you didn't care, you just wanted to know he was safe.

"I have fucked up Y/N." Sobbing was ringing in your ear, your phone clutched tightly in your hand.

"Josh, what's wrong?" He sobs more.
"The police. T-They've called the police."
"Josh, why have they called the police?"

It's like talking to a child. Except he is really upset and in trouble.

"I've done something. Really bad."
Police sirens sound in the background.
"What did you do?" He silences, his breathing slowing.


"He just lay there. I had to run, but how can I explain that he hit me first?"

"You killed someone?!" You shrieked.

"I don't know what to do Y/N, they're coming. Do I hand myself in?
Do I run?
Do I wait for them to find me?
Help me." You sigh, tears pickling your eyes.

"Please. Y/N, help me."

What do you do?

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