Chapter twelve: Yes!

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After Jax and I spoke in Chapel, we asked Gemma to take Abel to her house and and we drove back to our house so we could change and get ready for the family dinner. When we got inside, Jax kissed me and pushed me against the wall. He started to kiss my neck. I pushed him back. "Jax. I..." I stuttered. "I can't. You know I want to save myself for my husband."

"I know, darlin. I'm sorry. You're just so irresistable." He said, winked, then kissed my forehead. "I'm gonna hop in the shower."

"Okay, baby. Thank you for respecting my decision."

"Course." He said, then smiled the biggest smile at me. I kissed him on the cheek, then walked into the bedroom.

I turned on some music to listen to while I get ready. I just listened to the words flow through me as I picked out my clothes. I chose a white lacy dress, with a tan belt, paired with my brown cowboy boots. I braided my long red hair, and left a few pieces hanging near my face, and I curled those few pieces. I put on gold eyeshadow, with brown in the crease, with black eyeliner and mascara. Simple, yet elegant. I grabbed my iPod, which was still playing music, and I went into the kitchen and started to make some sweet tea to take with us tonight, as I hear the shower turn off. I turn the music up lowder, trying to catch Jax's attention.

I hear him walk into the kitchen and I turn around, finding him standing there with his hair still wet and in a towel. I turn down the music and say, "You better go get ready. We need to leave soon."

He smiles at me and says, "Alright. You look beautiful." I smiled, walked over to him and kissed him and fet a tear roll down my cheek. "What's wrong?" He asked, as he wiped it away.

"You are the first man to ever call me beautiful. And for the first time, I believe it."

"You better believe it because it's true." He kissed my cheek and went to go get ready. I heard the tea pot whistle, alerting me the tea was ready. I took the pot off the stove and made the tea. By the time I was finished, Jax comes out of the bedroom wearing a white teeshirt, his cut, blue jeans, and white tenis shoes. 

"You ready?" I ask.

"Lets go, gorgeous." He says, and reaches out his hand for me, and takes the tea in his other hand.


Riding in Evie's mustang on the way to Gemma's, I'm watching her out of the corner of my eye and she leans over to me, laying her head on my shoulder and her hand on my knee. With her other hand, she turns on the radio. Country music. I HATE country music. I groan.

"Oh shut up." She says. jokingly. "It's a package deal. If you get me, you've got to take the country music too." She giggles. God, that laugh. She hates it, but I think it's sexy.

"Alright, fine. I'll tollerate it."

"You can't TOLLERATE it. Maybe at first you will, but eventually you'll fall in love with it." She winks, then kisses me on the cheek. I smile.

"I can't wait." 'To spend the rest of my life with you'. I finish that sentence in my head.

"Can't wait for what?" She asks, looking up at me.

"For the surprise."

I see her roll her eyes. "Would you tell me already?"

"Nope." I shake my head.

"Fine. But since you're avoiding the truth, you're pretty much lying. So you owe me one." She giggles again.

"I owe you?" I ask, then chuckle.

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