Chapter twenty: Let's go home

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I walk into Evie's room, seeing her standing at the end of her bed, packing. She runs her hands through her hair and pulls her shorts up. I place my body against hers, wrapping my arms around her stomach. She sighs, leaning into me.

"What's wrong, darlin?" I ask, closing the distance between us.

"I want to go home. But then again, I want to stay. I love it here. I am gonna miss it here."

"We'll come visit again soon."

"Okay." She says, smiling. She leans in to hug me, then kisses my cheek as she wraps her arms around me. "Let's go home, baby."

"Let's go home." I say, gripping her tighter. I lean back and look her in the eyes. "Ev, I love you. You are the strongest woman I've ever met. I'm so happy you're mine."

She falls into me. I breathe onto her neck and see goosebumps rise on her skin. "I love you so much." She says.


It felt good to be home. I loved being in Alabama with Ev's family but I've missed Abel and the club.

We walk into the house and walk into our room. Evie falls face first into the bed. I hear her try to say something, but I just heard her mumble.

"Scuse me?" I ask, chuckling.

She says something louder, sounds like the same thing. "What?" I ask, walking over and tickling her.

She laughs and rolls over, pulling me on the bed with her. I laugh and lay my head on her shoulder, with my arm laying across her stomach. "I said, 'where's Abel'?" She says.

I adjust my position and say, "I don't know. Let's go find out."

"Give me twenty minutes!" She calls out and jumps off the bed.


I got myself cleaned up, then went back into the bedroom, to find Jax asleep on the bed. I walk over, crawl in next to him and kiss his cheek.

He stirs and looks at me. "What? I- How long have I been out?" He asks, in his sleepy voice.

"Only a few minutes. We can go see Abel tomorrow if you'd like." I smile.

"No. Let's go see him." He smiles that big pearly white smile that I love.

"Okay." I say. We leave our room to drive to the clubhouse. "Can I drive?" I ask, as Jax picks up the keys.

He tosses the keys to me. "Yeah, darlin."

I slide into my mustang. I bang the steering wheel. "I missed my car so much!" I say, then giggle.


"Ebie! Daddy!" Abel screams, running out of the clubhouse.

"Abel!" Jax and I say in unison. Abel runs into my arms and I grip him and fall to the ground with Jax's arms wrapped around me.

"We missed you, buddy." I said kissing his cheek. I pass him to Jax.

"I missed you guys too." Abel says. He stands up, looks at me and says, "You've been gone fow to wong. Come pway on the swide wif me." He says.

I giggle and Jax says, "What's the magic word?"

"Pwease?" Abel says, pulling me towards the playground.

"Maybe in a little, bub. I wanna see the club first. Okay, buddy? Then I promise. I'll play with you on the slide." I smile at him.

"Otay. You pwomise?" He says. He's so adorable.

"Yes, buddy. I promise." I say, holding my pinky finger out. He grabs it with his and I kiss the skin between my thumb and forefinger. He does the same. I pick him up and say, "Alright! Let's go say hi to everyone." Abel hugs me, which points to him being tired.

I walk in to see everyone with their heads hung and I can hear Gemma crying off in a room in the back. When we opened the door, everyone looked up and said hi, and they all sounded sad.

"What's going on?" I ask.

Tig looks up and says, "It's Half Sac."

"What about him? Is he alright?" I call out, handing Abel to Jax.

Nobody answers.

"WHERE IS HE DAMMIT?!" I scream and everyone jumps.

"He died this morning." Chibs answers through his thick Scottish accent.

I feel faint. Everything starts spinning. I hit the floor, hitting my head.

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