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We were all on Pluto and he was catching up to Arthur and his parents fast. We were getting closer when someone started shooting at us. ____ got angry and started shouting at them.

"You idiots! We're demons and a reaper! You think bullets can kill us!?"

"Mom, calm down. They'll learn soon," Alastair said in reply.

"He's right Kitten. You'll finally have your revenge soon, and I'll have my revenge for them messing with my family." I felt my eyes flash pink as I smirked in the direction of the Abbey's get away car.

"Oh, Sebastian, calm yourself. Your eyes are turning pink," Grell sighed.

"Did you just call him something other than Bassy," ____ asked in shock.

"Yes. Big deal, he's married now. Besides, I have my eyes on someone else now," Grell smirked as he looked into Crystal's direction. Alastair looked on in utter horror.

"What the-"

He was cut off as Pluto fell over while avoiding an explosion. We all got into fighting stances and I notice that Arthur called for back up because there were now at least five hundred men surrounding us.

"Alastair honey, stay put while your father and I handle this," ____ said as her eyes flashed pink and she grew a wicked smile on her face.

"But I can help-"

"Alastair, listen to your mother," Crystal said. "Grell and I will handle the goons from behind. Pluto, take care of the guys from the right. ____ and Sebastian, handle the ones in the front and on the left."

We all nodded and started to fight. It was going great until Crystal got cut across the chest with a sword and Grell got overwhelmed with the goons he was fighting.

"Crystal! Grell!" ____ exclaimed before she was kicked backwards and knocked into a tree.

Pluto had finished with his batch before he helped Crystal and Grell and I finished the rest of Arthur's backup. I finished and helped ____ before we heard a click. An evil laugh sounded from behind me as Arthur pointed a gun at us.

"Say goodbye," he said with an insane smile.

Suddenly someone kicked his arm to the side and punched him in the stomach. He growled before using the gun to slap his attacker. Who happened to be Alastair.

"You brat! I think I'll kill you first!" He shot the gun and I saw the bullet go straight into Alastair's chest before he hunched over and coughed up blood.

"Alastair," ____ and I cried out.

"Now then. Time for Mom and Dad to be reunited with their son," Arthur smirked as he pointed the gun at us.

"I couldn't agree more."


Bum Bum BUMMMMMMMM!!!! What's going to happen? Only I know. Sweet nightmares my little cyber kittens! 😸

Sequel! Sebastian X Reader : An Old Friend's GambitWhere stories live. Discover now