Only Fools Rush In

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AN: Hey! So I wrote this a bit ago and only remembered it to correct the saying that I used. Originally I had it as "fools jump in" instead of "fools rush in". I figured you would appreciate accuracy.

I really like Draco/George for some reason. I don't know why, I just... do. So this. Yeah. Beware of shock!George. Oh, and I also slipped a mention of Fred/Cedric because... I could. So yeah. FWCD mention also.

I do not own the settings, characters, or shared plot for this. They all belong to JK Rowling and whoever she sold permission to.

Oh, and many, MANY thanks to my new editor, alexsblackrose. Now, this old thing is actually suitable for the public!




George Weasley was not one to look before he jumped. He was one to glance ahead at the consequences, put up a bit of a fight, but be dragged in anyways by his brother. Or he was one to say fuck you to the consequences and rush in headlong with a finger raised in passing salute. Either way, he did not deliberate over what would happen if, indeed, he did what he liked.

This got George into a lot of trouble in his life. His first memory was slipping a scorpion into his brother Bill's bed when he was three. His second memory was his and his twin brother's grand escape from the timeout, which had been their punishment.

George did what he felt like, that was one of the rules of his existence. He and his twin had actually made a list of Rules for Being a Weasley Twin when they were twelve. After the first rule of "never follow the rules" was "do what you feel like" in Fred's unreadable young scrawl.

George felt that his Mark reflected that, as he happily told anyone who would hear. He had been almost sad when he had received his Mark at sixteen, as it was the only thing that distinguished him from Fred. As a consequence, he had done everything he could to brag about his Mark (or, at times, his brother's). And if that seems counterintuitive, that's only because you have never met the Weasley twins.

The twins took great care to hide their Marks most of the time, if only to confuse people by remaining indistinguishable, and had joked about getting a tattoo of each other's Mark. They never did, though. The Mark was too personal for even the infamous twins to share.

Right up until the final battle, there was great speculation as to each teen's Mark. Fred would boast and George would brag, but not once had anyone but them seen either's Mark. Ron swore that they would say something like "ball and chain" or "Loki's wife", but no one guessed correctly.

Thinking back, George could and did tell anyone about the day he and his brother turned sixteen.


The two sixteen-year-olds had stayed up past midnight, as was often customary for wizards and witches to do on their sixteenth birthdays. As soon as the clock struck twelve, unashamed, they stripped in front of the bathroom mirror to search for their Marks.

Within moments Fred found his, the bright red of a bleeding heart, curving down his left hip. George took a fair few minutes longer to find his own. When he did find it, after about five minutes, he discovered that it was written in elegant white script very close in color to his natural skin tone. It presided quite proudly over George's ass as if it were the tramp stamp that its position suggested. He struggled to read it in the dim light of the bathroom, not aided at all by the awkward position he had to take to read the damn thing.

Fred, of course, was not much help. He took one look at it and burst into laughter at his brother's predicament.

"Oh, man, you have got to see this. You must have one right cocky git after your heart, mate."

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