13. Camila Cabello.

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"Nice work, love." He says with a wicked grin, his voice thick with an old English accent that has been dead long ago.

Camila's frown deepens, "Who are you?" She says looking at him with confusion, her heart is doing laps and not because of the fight few second ago.

His grin turns into a smirk which only seemed to grow, showing of his perfect white teeth. "You'll find out on Saturday." The wicked in his voice and eyes has Camila stunned.

Camila eyes him hard, not breaking eye contact, "What happens on Saturday?" As much as she dreaded to hear the answer, she stood tall, arms crossed.

Klaus titles his head slightly as he smiles wickedly. He only said three words, three words that for some odd reason sent chills down Camila's spin. Three words that made her speechless and frozen in her place.

"I kill you."

With that, he puts his hands behind his back before walking away, whistling into the dark cold night.

Camila's hands flatter at her side as she watches him go, while she froze in her place and swallow thickly.


No One's POV

The three best friends left the Bronze's alley, thanks to Moose who dragged them away and took them to the library and told Ian about the event that happened.

Ian had already changed from his suit to his comfortable white jogging suit, knowing that it'll be a long night of endless thoughts and not a blink of sleep.

The table is filled with books, Ms. Pierce has taken it upon herself to help Moose and Dinah look through the books to do some research on Klaus, while Ian paces and runs his fingers though his jet-black hair and takes few sips from his bourbon even though he wants to drown in the whole jar, but knowing the name Klaus was said, he couldn't.

He let's out a frustrated nervous like sigh and turns to Camila with pleading eyes, "Klaus? That's what the other vampire called him? A-are you sure about that?" Ian stutters, his heart beats furiously wanting to leave his chest already.

Camila frowns and titles her head to the side with her arms crossed, "Mhm..." She hums letting it hang out in the tense air as she eyes a very fumbling Ian.

Ian stops and looks at the others for a second long before he runs his fingers through his hair, once, twice and let's out a wistful grin. "Perhaps you heard it wrong?" He presses.

Dinah closes the 5th book and stood to look at Ian with questioning eyes. They never saw Ian panic before and it's not settling anyone's nervous.

"Why are you-" Dinah starts but was cut off by Ms. Pierce looking up at them from her book.

"Well, whoever he is, we'll need all the help we can get come this Saturday." She says with a slight shrug.

Moose nods his head agreeing with Ms. Pierce, he turns to Camila and Ian with his hands on his sides, "So, this night of St. Vigeous deal. If they're gonna attack in force, aren't we thinkin' vacation?" He says, changing the subject and lightening the mood around them with his boyish-nervous grin.

Dinah pushes the books and sits on the table with her legs on the chair she was occupying and turns to Moose with a frown, "We can't run, that would be wrong." She says before eyeing Camila, "Could we hide?" Her nervous grin touches her lips as she eyes everyone in the room, "I mean, if that Klaus guy is leading the attack..." She shudders at the thought as his dark eyes and wicked grin invades her mind, "Yeeeh."

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