Raven the hedgeCat. Xp

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Chapter One: (Ravens P.O.V) {She's human now}

I woke in annoyance as I felt something shaking me "GET UPP!!!!!!" My mom yelled "Ugh... five more minutes..." I groaned "No! You need to get ready for school!!" My mom said and dragged me out of bed, she let go to go down stairs "Damn Freak much?" I muttered and went to the bathroom. I brushed my long black hair out of my face and brushed my teeth I stepped out and walked to my closet I picked out my outfit : fingerless gloves black jeans with chains on the sides dark purple off the should shirt with my golden skull chain I pulled on my brown boots and walked down stairs "That's what your wearing to school?" My older sister said with disgust "Sorry but not all of us are girly like you" I said icily and grabbed my book bag and went out side "RAVENNN!!!" A voice yelled I jumped and whipped around and saw my friend Bloom she had pinkish red hair green eyes and a purple dress on "Hey!" I said happily "After school you wanna have a sleep over?" She asked "Sure" I said and I got my skate board Bloom had her bike "Lets go" I said a sped off dodging by standers easily . Bloom was behind me. I picked up my skate board while I waited for Bloom to put her bike away I walked into school the bell was ringing loudly "I guess we're late" I shrugged "Aww " Bloom whined. We walked the halls to our class, when we opened the door every one looked at us "You girls are late. What's your excuse?" Mr.Pentium (Idk) asked "I dropped my book bag and I almost got hit by a by standard that was running " I lied my teacher nodded and turned around 'To easy' I thought "Omg Raven are you still trying to look cool?" I heard a silky voice and groaned in wardly I turned and saw Vicky "Omg Vicky still trying to succeed in life? T^T" I asked mockingly I wasn't in the mood for her "Hmph" she said and turned away.

I watched as the teacher was talking about a shiny rock I zoned out "Raven can you tell me what this is?" He asked I looked up "Uh?" I asked Mr.Pentium pointed to the chart "Oh a emerald....?" I guessed every one laughed "No! It's a jem" he hissed at me "Diffence being......?" I questioned he turned back I shrugged I felt some one starring me I turned to look around but no one was 'Hmm..' I thought.

After school; (Don't wanna bore ya wit school details)

I walked to my house holding my skate board, I was taking my time 'Ha, my stupid sister and mom will be god knows where while I watch tv and relax' I thought truimphantly I opened the door to my house and walked in closing the door "Hi Raven!" A voice said I whipped around to my side and saw Bloom "WTH! How did you get in here!?" I asked "The window was open" Bloom said and pointed to the now half broken window "-_-^ you are really special you know that ?" I said "Well now that your here let's go up stairs and watch a movie" I said "Cool!" Bloom squealed she dashed up stairs I followed her to my room.

"So wheres your mom and sis?" Bloom asked "Who knows, who cares?" I shrugged I turned back to the movie "You will be a king!" It said I saw something shiny in the corner of my eye I turned and gasped I tugged Blooms sleeve and pointed "What is it?" I asked as the the light shone brightly it dimmed I walked to my window Bloom following slowly I peaked out a little I happened at the sight I saw four.... hedgehogs..? One was blue, the other was silver and the last one was black and red the other was green "Where do you think she is?" The blue one asked "How am supposed to know Faker!?" The black one growled "Guys, look" the silver one said and pointed up to Me and Bloom "They saw us!" She screamed I grabbed her wrists and pulled her in the hall I ran to my mom's room which was, thankfully open I heard the door slam open I dragged Bloom under the bed and made sure we were completely hidden in the shadows I heard foot steps coming up the stairs I covered Blooms mouth so she wouldn't scream.


"I saw two girls here" one of them said "Well look for them!" One of them shouted Raven moved back pulled Bloom to 'Thank God she has her bed near a wall' Raven thought she tried not to breathe when she heard someone walk in 'Oh no....' Raven thought panicking she saw crimson eyes starring at her "Found them" it said "Aahhh!!!!!!!!!" Bloom screeched Raven watched as it reached in and grabbed her and Bloom and pulled them out "Uhh... O.o' " Raven said "Oh hi!" The blue one dashed in with the silver one "Who are you?" Raven asked narrowing her eyes "Oh yeah. Im Sonic the hedgehog" the blue one said flashing them a thumbs up "I'm Silver" the next one said shyly "And I'm Manic" the green one said Raven turned to the black one questionly " The grumpy one is Shadow" Sonic snickered which darkened him a glare "W-what do you want with us?" Bloom stuttered "We think you can save our planet" Sonic said Raven raised a eye brow "We'll explain on the way" Silver said "What?!" Raven growled "Were not going any where with you people! Sorry but we don't know you" she went on "You don't have a choice" Shadow growled "Says who?" Raven hissed her Amber eyes blazing "Me. And that should be enough" Shadow said he grabbed Ravens arm while Silver took Bloom "Hey!!!" Raven screamed and tried to run "This is KIDNAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Bloom hollered Shadow took out a green object and yelled "CHAOS CONTROL!!" He picked Raven up bridal style as she felt herself get dizzy "T_T" she growled weakly and blacked out.

Raven the hedgeCat. XpWhere stories live. Discover now