Rise and shine ^.^

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Raven woke up holding her head "Ahh.." she groaned "Your finally awake" a voice said Raven turned and saw Manic "Where am I?" She asked looking around "Mobius" he said "WHAT!?!" Raven yelled "Whao chill dude" Manic said "Chill... O.e chill... I can't freakin' chill! I'm on another planet!" Raven growled "We'll explain when Bloom wakes up" Manic reasured Raven snorted and walked to Blooms bed "What are you doing?" Manic asked curiously "Watch" Raven said simply she leaned close to Bloom's ear "WAKE YOUR FREAKIN BUTT UP!!!!!!!!" Raven yelled in her ear "Ah!" Bloom jumped and fell off the bed panting "W-why would you do that ?" Bloom stuttered covering her ear "^.^ you broke my window" Raven snickered "And you broke my ear " Bloom said pouting "We're even >:3" Raven smiled "Now-" she turned to Manic "Explain" she said "Well... We believe Eggman (A very stupid fat man) is up to something and we found out you and your friend could help us, we see we think you might have powers" Manic finished Raven had the "WTF?" Face while Bloom looked like "9-9" "Well who is this Egg- what ever you speak of?" Raven asked regaining her icy calm nature (:P) "Well... he's trying to get you that's why we needed to get you first because knowing Egghead he would something very uncool" Manic said Raven nodded in understanding "When can we go back home?" Bloom asked "I can't say for sure" Manic said honestly "Eh it seems more fun here anyway" Raven shrugged "What!!!! You don't wanna go home?" Bloom whined "Couldn't care-less if I don't" Raven said. "Wait wheres my phone?" She asked suddenly "You mean this?" Manic asked and held up a crushed broken phone "O.e x.x my poor phone" Raven grabbed it "Yeah Egghead tried to take you but it ended up breaking your phone" Manic said "Egghead dies today -_-^ " Raven grumpily "Hey we're back!!!" A voice said making Bloom jump "I guess Sonic and Silver are here" Manic "Wheres uh Shadow?" Raven asked "I don't know he went off as soon as we got back" Manic said 'Hmm...' Raven thought eyes narrowing "Well then I'm going to sleep " Bloom said "You do that I'm going to look around " Raven said she went down stairs and met Sonic and Silver "Hi!" Silver said happily "Hey.." Raven said "So im guessing you want a explanation ?" Sonic guessed Raven nodded "Well we found out that you and Bloom have powers so we had to get you before Egghead did" Sonic explained Raven nodded 'What kind of powers?' Raven asked her self then she had a flashback

Flashback (Long ago)

Raven looked at her little toy (She's 3 or 4 years old) she wanted to get it but it was to far (Her being a very lazy kid XD) she lifted her hands and a red cyan glow surrounded the toy and it lifted "Oohhh" she said she threw it out the window "-_-U " Raven pouted.

End of flashback

"Raven!" Sonic said "Uh?" Raven said "You zoned out on us" Silver said "Sorry just thinking -'_'-U " Raven sweatdropped "Ok.. get Bloom and meet us down stairs" Sonic said giving her a thumbs up Raven nodded and walked up stairs Bloom was talking to Manic... or screaming "HOW DARE YOU KIDNAP US!!!!!!?" She screeched Raven covered her ears "Bloom be quiet!!" Raven hissed Bloom shut up knowing that loud noises annoy Raven "Thanks" Manic said Raven glared past him and starred at crimson eyes "What?" Manic he turned and saw Shadow at the window "OH MY-!!" Bloom was about to scream but Raven covered her mouth Raven glared at Shadow "Hey Shadster" Manic said Shadow grunted and went into the room "I think we should get ready" Shadow said "For what?" Manic asked "HO HO HO! I see you pesky animals got me my experiments!" A voice said a both explosion happened and a tall figure appeared he was a egg shaped man with a bushy mustache "Its a shame, he has so much hair for his lips but can't spear some for his head " Raven snickered "A little rude don't you think?" Eggman growled "Hmph" Bloom growled "Robots Attack!!!!" Eggman yelled Shadow run behind Him so he wouldn't be seen Raven felt something grab her wrists she turned and saw Manic grab her and Bloom " Come on! My bro and Silver got this" Manic said and ran off with them "OH NO YOU DON'T !" Eggman shouted he pressed a button a metal claw came out and walked Manic away it grabbed the two girls "Hey!!! Put us down!!" Raven screeched she felt a needle prick her neck and she felt the world grow dark....

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