c h a p t e r - o n e : in which she's always right

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January 2012

There are three things every member in the Kirkland family loves: Mama Jane's homemade hot wings and potato chips, the annual Christmas Eve party, and college basketball.

Mama Jane's hot wings and potato chips recipe has not been passed down like you would assume. She has kept her bony, wrinkled fingers gripped tight on that stupid notecard every time the entire family gets together for a meal. Mom once told me that she tried searching Mama Jane's kitchen cabinets at midnight for the recipe but couldn't find the paper anywhere. So, when Christmas rolls around or we get together to watch a game, the sweet smell of wings and the oily smell of potatoes is a cherished event.

Which brings me to the present. My hands are sticky and smell of honey barbecue sauce, my stomach is full, and crumbs cover my chest and bloated stomach, causing me to look like the queen of slobs. But as I glance over the rest of my family members, I don't feel so guilty since Dad has barbecue sauce on his forehead and the tips of his dark hair.

Sitting on the lumpy section of the sofa, I lick the rest of the barbecue sauce off my fingertips because I can never waste Mama Jane's homemade hot wings sauce. The rich taste of honey and smoke and pure heaven almost makes me throw my head back and moan in happiness.

I'm finishing off licking my fingers when I happen to glance at the television at the right moment. Gasps explode all over the living room immediately. That's a fucking foul! I snap my pointer finger out of my mouth, a popping noise sounding into the air, and stand as the play is replayed on the television. ESPN doesn't know shit as they insist the shove was completely safe.

"What a load of bull shit!" I exclaim in exasperation.

Hums of agreement echo but the nagging voice of my twin sister sitting beside me causes me to roll my eyes.

"Ana, you know that wasn't a foul. You're just mad because August Tech is beating North Carolina." My dear, precious twin sister is blinded by the colors of red and gold as she gestures to the television. The second half of the close game continues as the clock keeps on ticking, but I plop back down on the couch and give my sister a look that has "You're wrong," written all over it.

Gloriana, a replica of myself, smiles her cute, little smile which makes her nose scrunch up, but I sneer my nose in disgust.

"I can't believe you're a fan of that stupid team. They're the worst college basketball team in the state of Louisiana and they haven't won any games in over two years. Two years!" I hold two fingers up (specifically my two middle fingers) to rest my case.

Gloriana gives her dark eyes a roll as she says, "Are you blind or something? ATU is winning, Ana!" I drop my hands, shaking my head in disbelief. Gloriana continues to boast and rambles about how August Tech will win this game, how they'll be better next year, and how she bets twenty dollars that August Tech University will win the NCAA national title in four years.

I scoffed at her nonsense, and all my family members around us smiled in amusement to each other as the oldest twin sister made a statement. A statement that said: "August Tech University will be the best men's college basketball team in four years." I disagreed with her stupid statement but didn't ever consider her possibly being right.

And Gloriana Kirkland was always right.

                And Gloriana Kirkland was always right

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