Theives chapter 2

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It's been three days now & no sign of Clara the only people around are the other captured girls. The door creaks open! I'm scared who is it? It's one of the thieves but wait he's not wearing a white suit. He has blond hair & blue eyes kind of like my brother. Oh I miss him so much. I wish he knew where I was so that he could come rescue me. It's the man who was there when I woke up. He was there then & he's here now but not in a white suit. The next thing I know I'm in another van. But it's a different one & the blue eyed man was sitting there starring at me. Now I'm alone in another dark room I'm going to get out of here & find my brother. I know it. We will be together again. But for now let's think of a plan. I've found the door but it's locked I found a window but its been hammered shut. I found out you need a passkey to get in to the girls sells. When one of the men come to bring me my lunch I will try to sneak the pass key out of his pocket & run away. The problem Is what happens if I get caught. Will I get killed? How will I get punished? What if I make it but they catch me? Enough negativity I'm going to make it & everything will be alright. I will be home with my brother safe & sound. But where am I? When someone comes to give me my next meal I will ask. For now I just wait. I've been waiting for hours it feels like days when will they come? I need to find something to do or someone to talk to. Then I hear a cry there's someone else in here. That's the best news ever. Now I'm searching in the dark to find this crying girl. A few minutes later I finally find her & comfort her to make sure she is alright. I tell her my name is Malisa & she tells me hers is Ana. We talk & talk it seems like hours. Then the blue eyed guy comes with our food he tells us his name is Brian & says we are in Australia. I travelled from the United States of America all the way to Australia. Dang it i forgot to try & get the pass key I guess I will try next time. I told Ana my plan & she said that she can help by distracting the guards. This morning Ana is going to throw a stick & throw a fit that she saw mouse while I sneak the pass key away. Its working so far but i cant quite reach it. Uh oh! the guard turned around! whew! I didn't get caught. I'm gonna try one more time. Yes I've got it but I don't know how to unlock the door. We've been trying for hours now and we can't get the door to budge. When someone comes to bring us food or something I will look to see how they get in & out.

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