Birthday, Deathday, Whatever. Part 2

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Erin POV

When I finally got home, I collapsed onto the couch with a bag of potato chips.

Of course, as soon as I collapsed, someone knocked on the door. 'I wonder who that is.' GAH!!! Now I'm hearing voices!? What's wrong with me? 'Nothing is wrong with you. I'm your wolf.' Ok, now I knew I was going crazy. 'My name is Echo. But you really should answer the door now.' Oh yeah. Door. When I finally answered the door, I was annoyed to see some random guy standing there uncomfortably. "What do YOU want." "Ummm... Are you Erin Wolfe?" "Yeah. So?" "Umm...I'myourolderbrother." "Huh? I can't understand. Talk slower." "I'm your older brother." "WHAT!? Who ARE you?" "Erik Wolfe." "Prove that you're my brother." He looked confused. "Umm... Our parent's names are Annie and John Wolfe." I looked at him sadly. "You mean WERE. Dad died in a car accident nine years ago yesterday, and Mom slit her throat in front of me on my seventh birthday. Nine years ago today." "!" "Wow. You really are my brother. Tough one minute, broken the next. That was me before I lived as a kid in the streets of New York City for EIGHT YEARS!!!" "Seriously!? Eight years?!" "YES!!!" I screamed furiously.

If you haven't figured this out already, I have anger management issues. "Umm... Can I come in?" He looked uncomfortable again. "Whatever. Just close the door behind you. Oh! I hope you don't mind that I have a friend coming over. Of course, if you DO mind, you're going to be the one I kick out." "Whatever. Hey, since you get to have a friend over, can I bring one over too?" I rolled my eyes. "Sure." He immediately ran out the door to get his friend. Minutes later, he came back with a guy that had golden hair and eyes. "This is Chris. My best friend." I had just shooed them into another room, when the doorbell rang. "COME IN!!!" I was getting annoyed again. The door opened, and Alex nervously walked in.

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