2: Dress up .....

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Hello there , I'm back sorry the first chapter was so so short but here's another one for ya
Hope you liked the first one , please support my story by liking it , that will let me know you like it . Obviously .... I'm stupid duh anyways ^~^ 777NatsuDragneel777
Le' go ....

Natsu's PoV

She just looked at me blankly as if I'd asked the most oddest question ever , which I haven't I'd asked weirder things , I just felt like being a cop for awhile , it would be fun to dress up like one .

" please Luce , you don't have to . hey you can be the robber and I'll be the cop " I said excitedly

" so cops and robbers ?? " Lucy replied

" no I just wanna dress up and act I don't wanna play cops and robbers just dress up," I said my signature smile spreading across my face

" in public " Lucy said

" of course not , why'd don't we go to your apartment no one will bother us there " I replied a smirk growing up my face

" sure " Lucy replied hesitantly

" dove " I replied joking as I was naming other bathroom products

" that's not funny , now come on " Lucy replied smiling

Lucy slid of her stool and landed firmly on the floor with two feet she signalled for me to come with her hand and I got off my chair as well following her out of the guild and onto the streets of magnolia . We walked along street after street in silence , not awkward but just comforting knowing we had each other as friends , we reached Lucy's street and she balanced along the side of the canal putting her arm out like wings to balance herself . The boats men shouted for her to be careful and she nodded and smiled at them , I followed her walking behind her but on the path . My eyes kept reverting back to what i was previously looking at , her ass , she was wearing shorts snd they were short , like really short  , that short that from were I was standing I could slightly see her black and blue lacy underwear pearling out the side of her shorts . Oh man I could have a piece of that shit ! uh shut up ' Natsu she's your friend , she's your friend ' I kept repeating that to myself !!!

Soon we arrived at Lucy's apartment , she stuck her key in the door and she turned it slowly as if she was trying to make time slow down , ' sometimes she's weird ' I thought to myself , but she's Lucy and Lucy's my best friend I smiled thinking of all the missions and adventures we've been on , they were some good times , I smiled and she'd already opened the door . We both entered and she threw her handbag on the sofa switching on the lights , I smirked as I could see her beautiful face again and she climbed the staircase me following after her .
She switched on the lights in her bedroom and we both entered .

She sat on her bed and she smiled at me softly

" go on then go get changed into your ' police outfit' " Lucy said giggling in the process

I noded and headed to her bathroom I changed into a police outfit that just so happened to be in my bag , I had it from my last mission were I had to disguise as a cop I guess I never did take it out my bag .

As I said I put it on leaving my scarf on , my neck felt bare without it , but I knew it wouldn't stay on for long if my plans went as they were supposed to I just hoped my plan works if It doesn't I'd be so embarrassed and dead so i guess the embarrassment wouldn't be a worry . I swiftly threw those thoughts out of my head and came out of the bathroom looking at Lucy in my police outfit .

Lucy's PoV

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Lucy's PoV

He came out of the bathroom in his police outfit it actually looked pretty good like a real one too , he suited it , he wore it naturally as if he'd wore it a thousand times which he hadn't , he only got it a few days ago he looked hot in it ! wait what was I saying I meant fit no that's not what I meant either just forget it he looked good in its, damn my eyes feel like there in heaven and the smirk across his lips just topped it all off .

" Go then , Go hide I'll count to 50 " Natsu said clearly seeing me stare at him

" hide and seek , ok your on " I relied

I swiftly hopped of my bed and ran out the room there wasn't many places in the house to find but I wasn't too big so I could probably find a few he wouldn't think off , I tip toed down stairs so he couldn't hear my foot steps and I started to panic I looked around and I couldn't find a good spot !!! He was already at 35 and I hadn't hid .
Then the idea came to me , the freezer , I hadn't been shopping it was empty I quickly went into the kitchen opening the top of the freezer and jumping in I closed the top carefully trying not to make a sound , but when I choose this spot I didn't realise that I was going to be in here for 10 minutes * how had he not found me yet my house uh hmm apartment sorry wasn't that big what was he doing ! having a bath . I could hear him strolling around the house I was so tempted to jump out just to be out of the cold , but I wanted to win and I couldn't feel my legs or arms anymore they had gone completely numb !!!

Suddenly the top opened and I saw Natsu's face smirking at me
Shit he found me , all well I just want out I feel as if my brain was going to freeze

He lifted me out as if I weighed nothing and he held me in his arms it was awkward but he was just being a good friends I couldn't stand up with numb legs but the next thing he said startled me did he mean it as literal or was he flirting I don't even know but I was too shocked to say anything

" Let me warm you up " Natsu said in a deep sexy , husky voice followed by a cheeky wink

All that ran through my mind was , is this real or a dream !!!!

Thats it for this chapter , tell me if you like it if not and thank you for spending your time reading my story when there are way --------- better ones , love ya bye xx

If your interested in art follow me on Instagram - bluedragonsart

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