11: Laxus tells , Erza Yells ....

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Hey I'm back , I haven't updated in awhile and I thought I might write a little now since I have some free time on my hands ( ye free time , 12:56 at night when I'm suppose to be sleeping ) anywho let's get started oh and thank you for all the views I'm so happy at least one person is enjoying this , I hope they are anyway ..!
Le Go ...

" whaaa "  I quickly covered my neck and I could feel a love bite , I hadn't even realised before or I would of covered it no wonder they knew I was lying ! Oh no what if someone thinks I'm a slut oh no oh no oh no oh no this isn't good ! Besides me and natsu that was a temporary thing it was just a fling , a one night stand but the only thing was , he was my male best friend and teammate , I couldn't like him , but i did i liked him and after our little show in my bed I liked him even more , oh Lucy what have you gotten yourself into ?

I just kept my hand there trying to hide it when Mira pulled out a plaster , she put it over it and smiles at me

" until you can hide it with make up , just keep this on " Mira spoke

" thank you so much Mirajane " I said smiling politely at Mira

With the lads*

Natsu , Gray , Laxus , Elfman , Gajeel , Panther lily and Guildarts where surprising all sat at one table without too many squabbles .

" so Laxus how many chicks have u slept with this week " Guildarts questioned .

" I'd rather not discuss my sex life thanks but Natsu " Laxus wolf whistles

" what ! Natsu what is he talking about"
Guildarts questioned curiously

" I don't know he's crazy 😜 " Natsu winks and sticks his tongue out cheekily

" hmmm I'm not buying it , spill !" Guildarts demands

" yeah I want to know what he's talking about aswell !? " gray adds

" He slept with some one " Laxus says casually

" SALAMANDER ! no way " Gajeel says surprised

" did you really ? " gray asks

"You did what ! How do u even know how to .... I didn't even think u new what that was !" Guildarts says

" THATS MANLY " Elfman shouts

" shut up you big idiot " evergreen says hitting Elfman with a fan and joining the table

Erza also comes and joins the table

" so what are you boys ranting about " erza says staining into elfman's soul

Elfman scared , points at Natsu

" Natsu , what has he done now , I swear if you've destroyed something again ! " erza says raising her voice slightly

" I didn't , I promise " Natsu quickly announced

" he's lying he destroyed Lucy " Laxus says

" what she looks fine " erza says obliviously

" ....in bed " Laxus finishes

" he did what .. you mean .. he slept with " erza says with an O for a mouth

" Yes , yes he did " Laxus adds

Erza slowly turns his head to Natsu

" what ! " Natsu says

" y you slept with her !"

" ye erza I do all the time haven't you realised we always sleep in the same bed , duh "

" that's not what I'm asking you fool ! Did you 'Sleep' with her and not going to sleep you idiot !" Erza states

" oh yeah that too " Natsu says as if it's nothing

Erza stands up from the table ...

Yes that's it , I've left u on sort of a cliffhanger not really but it could be ! I don't know lol anyway sorry this chapters so short but it's late and I'm tired and well I need sleep or else I'm going to be like a walking zombie in the morning so goodnight, sleep tight , and tomorrow we can give Gray a fight ! Xxxx


If your interested in art follow me on Instagram - bluedragonsart

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