Where am I?

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  I awoke with a start, my eyes darting all over. Anxiety started to fill me as I looked around the unfamiliar room filled to the brim with shiny, foreign equipment. Was I sick, in a hospital? The IV caught my eye, moving down the tube Anxiety started turned to paralyzing dread as my eyes met the chains around my wrist, going down my embarrassingly bare body, I saw restraints around my mid-section, thighs, shins, then finally my ankle. Pulling at them desperately did nothing. The chains inhibited my movement. Murmurs came from the door, my heart leaped to my throat. Snapping my eye shut, I tried to control my erratic breathing. No escape insight. The murmurs grew louder, as did my breathing. Cracking my eyes open, looked to the door. Two figures stood on the other side. Their shadow casted on the window were oddly shaped, craniums bigger than anybody I've ever seen. A sign on the door caught my attention. It was filled with strange symbols. Eyes widened, darting around the room again. It as seem clinical at first, with second glance terror filled me. The foreign shiny equipment looked menacing now. My chest became tight, breathing became hard. The chains started to rattle as I started to tremble. I felt light-headed. Heart about to break right out of my chest and make a run for it. Sirens started shrieking around me. The whole room was flooded with red light. Door burst open, reveling these things. Larges heads, saucers for eyes, no ears or nose in sight. They used longer than life appendages to cross the room to me, looking down at me they started talking to one another in a strange language. They were dressed in metallic clothing that covered most of their thin body. Black dots invaded my vison. A sharp pinch was felt from my arm. The world started rapidly fading way. The last thing I saw was there oddly green skin, then darkness  

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