Lesson 8: Emotions/Feelings Part 1

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Welcome back everyone! It's been a while! Okay so I decided to skip another round of Nationalities/Languages for the moment because I don't know many words surrounding that in Russian! So instead, we will look at Emotions/Feelings. Enjoy!

Больной - Sick/Ill - Okay so first up we have the Russian word for ill, it's pretty simple but memorise the placement of the soft sign, many Russian words place them close to the middle like this. Pronounced: Bal-noy.

Болен - Sick/Ill (shortened) - This is a great addition to your vocabulary if you're a lazy learner! This can be used to shorten the word you have just learned. Pronounced: Bo-len.

Счастливый/Счастлива - Happy (Male suffix.)/Happy (Female suffix.) - Another spelling formula to memorise as it is frequently used, other than that, this word is easy! Pronounced: Shas-lee-viy/Shas-lee-vah.

Счастлив - Happy (shortened) - Another lazy word; enjoy! Pronounced: Shas-liff.

Голодный - Hungry - A useful word for when you're ordering from the Russians. Pronounced: Ga-lod-nee.

Слабый - Weak - Perhaps you're brawling in some grotty bar in Moscow? Or you're picking a fight whilst intoxicated? Either way, now you now how to call your Russian friends weak! Pronounced: Slah-bee. (Think: sloppy, it sounds similar and both are a form of inadequacy.)

Сильный/Сильная - Strong (Male suffix.)/Strong (Female suffix.) - Perhaps your guy/girl friend just handled a brutal shot of Vodka? Or a passerby intervened in your bar brawl? Either way, now you can compliment them on their strength! Pronounced: Sil-nee/Sil-nai-ya.

Чудесный/Чудесная - Wonderful (Male suffix.)/ Wonderful (Female suffix.) - A handy little compliment or a word to describe how you feel perhaps? Pronounced: Choo-dess-nee/ Choo-dess-nai-ya.

Next: we will apply these words to some sentences. If you look close enough and write them down a few times you should be able to learn a little Russian grammar too!

Она чудесная!/Он чудесный - She's wonderful!/He's wonderful! - A nice thing to say about a significant other or your friend! Pronounced: An-aah-choo-dess-nai-ya/On-Choo-dess-nee.

Я не голодный/Я не голодная - I'm not hungry (Male.)/I'm not hungry (Female.) - For when you've had just a bit too much at the buffet. Pronounced: Ya-nye-gal-od-nee/Ya-nye-gal-od-nai-ya.

Я счастливый/Я счастлива - I'm happy (Male)/I'm happy (Female.) - Declare it to the world! Today is a good day to speak Russian! Pronounced: Ya-shas-lee-viy/Ya-shas-lee-vah.

And that's it for today's lesson everyone! It's good to be back, I wish you all luck in your learning, and invite you to join me again in a few days time for another round of Russian!

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