Chapter 3: Apologize

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Still Dani's POV
(Btw changed her hair colour to blue to reflect my new hair)

I haven't been in this country for more than 24 hours and I'm already on top of a civilian.
My whole body heats up as I try to stand on the shaking tube. I end up hitting my head on the head of the man I fell on.
"Fuck!" He swears, rubbing his forehead. I keep my head low, noticing all the markers that slipped from my bag.
"This is just great." I mumble and start collecting my stuff, my face red and burning. I see another set of hands helping.
" I'm so sorry." A deep voice says as the hands pick up some sharpies and put them away. I look up briefly to see the guy Belle pointed out earlier. I notice his arms that were gracefully picking up my pens. I stare for a moment and then finish putting up my things. He stands and offers a hand. I place my hand in his, tiny and frail in comparison and he pulls me up gently. The tube jostles once more and I nearly fall down again when he steadies me by placing his hands on my waist and holds me still.
"Woah there, no need for another headache." I look up into dark eyes prominent against his pale skin. Dark hair that was once behind his ears now fell along his chiseled long face.
"I-its okay, I fell on you. No need to apologize." I say zipping up my pencil bag. His hands were still settled on my waist. I look at his arms and feel my ears start to burn. He drops his hands.
"Sorry, just trying to make sure you're okay." He says gently.

P.O.V. switch to Daniel's

Oh fucking hell.
The girl looked like a deer caught in headlights, after all I did kinda harass her with my lanky body and hands trying to make sure I didn't hurt her worse.
She blue hair was hanging low in the bun, her glasses resting on the edge of her nose. Her eyes refused to meet mine.
"I'm really sorry." She mumbles, biting a little of her top lip. I shake my head softly.
"Its okay, no harm done. I'm Daniel." I say, putting out my hand to shake hers. Her small hand takes mine again and shakes it firmly.
"Daniel? Well I'm Danielle." She says, her voice clear and light. I smile.

"Well I guess this was meant to happen." I joke. Her full lips pull back into a grin, revealing her teeth that had a small gap in between them.Behind her, her friend appears.

"Everything okay?" She asks, trying to stifle giggles. Alex appears at my shoulder.

"Sorry ladies, Daniel here just enjoys the ladies falling for him." Alex says. Danielle's friend laughs with him and I roll my eyes.

"I'm Daniel, this is Alex." I say to the friend.

"I'm Belle, and I see you met Dani." Belle giggles as Danielle blushes. I smile.

"I'm sorry again. If there is anything I can do, I'd be happy to." I say without thinking.

"Oh it's no trouble, just a good morning scare instead of coffee." She says.

"Did you guys miss your stop?" I ask. Belle nods, her curls bouncing.

"Yeah but we can get there from the next one. We're just heading to get some coffee." She explains.

"We are too, what a coincidence." Alex says.

"We found a highly recommended one online, so we planned on it being our first stop here." Belle says. Danielle's eyes were fixed on her shoes, her nails digging into her arm.

"Oh are you guys visiting?" I ask. This time Danielle responds.

"We just moved here. Got in last night." My lips pull back into a grin.

"Well as payment for causing you to miss your stop, let us show you around, and accompany us to coffee." Alex says. I nod.

"It's the least we could do." I say.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2016 ⏰

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