Crave-FINAL DRAFT- probably not the final but you get the point.

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So this won't be THE FINAL but I will update it as I change it.


It's messing with my head

How much I crave him,
Like a kitten craves attention.

How I crave his warm, soft, lips, feeling like I'm kissing silk.

How I crave his touch, making me feel safe and protected like I live in his arms.

How I crave his voice, sounding as pleasant as a nightingale's song on a Spring morning.

How I crave his arms and embrace, keeping me warm on even the coldest days.

Just knowing I can't call him mine hurts like a 3rd degree burn on my heart, with the constant sizzling and stinging making me cry out in pain.

And Oh My God! Don't even get me started on his smile. He has the brightest smile but the dullest eyes. Almost as if they were the the sun and the moon.

His eyes may be dull but to me they sparkled like emeralds.

I'm crazy for this guy.

And the way he laughs,
How it makes me smile.

And when we talk,
How I get butterflies.

And Everytime I look at him,
I fall in love

Everything about him makes me so happy.

But God knows I don't want him.....

I need him.....

I love him....

He knows who he is.....

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