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This is pretty much about my dad. Just read it.

You wonder why I'm always in my room.

Yet, you never ask me, "Hey, what's going on?"

You wonder why I don't try to talk to you about personal problems or interests.

Though, you don't try to get me to explain.

You then yell at me for stuff that's not even my fault.


What makes you do that?

It's it the fact that I'll never be you're perfect daughter?

Why are you like this?

Don't you remember all the good times?

Who took me to all those hockey games?


Who helped me with my homework when I wasn't at mom's house?


You were the one who pushed me to be my best when mom was too sick to take care of me.

But then again, you are also the cause of most of my problems.

You are the reason that I can't talk to people unless they approach me the first time.

You are the reason I cry myself to sleep, after your constant yelling about my grades.

You say you care and want me to be happy, but you sure as hell have a funny way of showing it.

You think scaring me will make me do better in school and get all my work done.

News flash!

It doesn't work!

All that does it put more stress on me than I can handle.

All that does is give me anxiety that leaves me in tears, even when I'm at school.

Because when my teacher has to raise their voice to be heard, all I hear is your voice yelling at me, saying it's my fault.

And when you make me explain myself and I tell you about my anxiety and depression, all you do is yell even more.

All you do is call me "Attention seeker" and say it's bullshit.

When in reality, your yelling is what drives me away into my room.

You are the one making me feel like this.

Whether or not you mean to, you do.

Congrats, cause it was also you who broke my heart and destroyed my confidence before any guy could...

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