Chapter 23

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Killian's POV

"Killian! Enough there isnt anything now stop snooping!" My dad yells at me.

"It theres nothing then why did Cora go after Emma?" I ask.

"I dont know. All I can say is that I dont want you or your brother to be hurt. Now listen son I cant lose either of you. I already lost your mother I cant lose my boys. Please stop before it goes to far." He says.

"Okay father." I say.

He walked out and Liam walked in and hit me with his book.

"So, your going to lie and help Regina?" He asks.

"Yep." I say.

"Good because I found this. It was mother's. I havent read it, but I want to help." He says.

"Good come on. Lets take this to Granny's. Regina is waiting and I think Zelena is with her." I say.

"Doesnt Emma work there tonight?" He asks.

"Yes. But she knows we were looking to find this out. Come on." I say.

Emma's POV

It was a slow day and ever since Zelena and Regina found out their mother has a past with Killian's father they dont hang much with their group. Lately David Nolan has been hanging around our group. There was still one person that got on my nerves.

"Hey sexy blonde wanna come over after your shift?" Neal asks.

"No." I say.

"Come on Im sure you and Killian arnt active. I mean he doesnt put any hands below or above your waist." He says.

"Thats non of your business." I say.

"I would always have my hands on you unlike that freak." He says.

"Neal! Leave Emma alone. The reason Killian doesnt do that stuff is because he respects her." Regina says.

"Yeah respects her and treats you like the whore you are." He says and walks out.

"Regina thank you and your not a whore." I say.

"No I am a whore and your welcome." She says.

"Do you two need anything?" I ask.

"No we're fine just waiting for Killian and Liam." She says.

"Oh." I say.

Killian walked in with Liam and sat down at the table with some book. They started to read it, but Killian came over to me.

"Hey isnt your shift over?" He asks.

"Yeah." I say.

"Come join us. I want you to help us. If you want to?" He asks.

"Yeah okay." I say.

I took off my apron and walked back with him to the table. We sat down and he wrapped his arm around me and I laid my head down on his shoulder as Regina read the book.

"Oh my god!" Regina says.

"Whats wrong?" Zelena asks.

"Yeah what is it?" Liam asks.

"Since your mom didnt write down the date I dont know which one it is." Regina says.

"Regina what does that mean?" I ask.

"Here you read it." She handing the book to Killian.

"Oh god." He says.

"Yeah." Regina says.

"Killian?" Liam questions.

"Either Zelena or Regina is our dad's child." He says.

Thats I didnt see coming at all.

A/N: Okay I need your help on which one it could be. Zelena or Regina which is the half-sister of the brothers Jones



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