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*** One more part after this, Yikes™ ***

A week goes by and Crowley still has not given up on trying to form a friendship with Dean. Either he's too stupid to read or he just doesn't care, Dean groans as he gets yet another text from the boy he despises, it being the fifth one in a row. Getting up and grabbing his coat and other necessities such as his wallet and keys, he heads out the door and makes his way towards the flower shop once again.

"Cas?" Dean calls out, once he walks into the shop.

"Hm?" Castiel hums, attention more focused on a book he's reading. Dean walks up to the counter and leans against it, eyes roaming over the boy he's gotten to know fairly well in just a week.

"I'm going to need another one of those Fuck You Bouquets," the older of the two states, placing another twenty on the counter. A smile starts to form on Castiel's face as he looks up at the green-eyed boy he now calls his best friend.

"Yes sir," he salutes and makes his way to the greenhouse area to collect the flowers for the infamous Fuck You Bouquet that Castiel has gotten used to making. Dean checks to make sure Castiel is unable to see Dean from where he is as Dean looks around at the flowers, trying to remember which one Castiel had said meant 'secret admirer'. All he remembers is that they were yellow. 

His eyes continue to roam until they land on the yellow tulips.

Castiel finally comes back with the requested bouquet, ribbon and all, as Dean quickly picks up the book Castiel was reading to make it look like he wasn't doing anything suspicious. Although looking at flowers when you're in a flower shop doesn't seem all that suspicious, Dean was still paranoid.

"Here's another one of your special bouquets Dean," Castiel says, handing the bouquet over. Dean places the book back down and smiles at the blue-eyed boy.

"Thanks. Hopefully this time the message actually gets through," Dean laughs and Castiel smiles, a twinkle in his eye.

"Maybe," he whispers.

As soon as Dean is gone, Castiel takes his phone out of his pocket and texts Crowley. Sure, Castiel shouldn't be telling Crowley to ignore the flowers but he just wants to keep seeing Dean. He thinks he's starting to form a crush on the freckled, green-eyed, blonde boy. Just as Castiel's text to Crowley sends, he gets a call on the flower shop phone.

"Hello, Bradbury's Beauties, how may I help you?" Castiel answers.

"Um.. yes.. I would like to place an order for some.. yellow tulips," the person on the other end says, although it sounds more like a question. He can hear another voice in the background but it's too quiet for him to make out what the voice is saying.

"And who are they to be sent to?" Castiel asks, making sure to write it down as he grabs a pen and the small notepad on the counter.

"Erm," there's a pause and some more whispering in the background before he gets the answer, which makes his eyes go wide. "They are to be sent to Castiel Novak, from anonymous," is all he hears before the line goes dead.

"Thanks Sammy," Dean grins as his brother gets off the phone with Castiel. The younger of the two brothers just rolls his eyes before giving Dean his signature bitchface.

"Next time, you're doing this on your own you big chicken."

"Shut up," Dean grumbles before grabbing a beer out of the fridge and heading to his room.  

Fuck You Bouquet [Destiel AU]Where stories live. Discover now