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The taxi arrives at eight the next morning. Delanna's suitcase is filled with her few clothes and belongings.

The taxi driver reminded Delanna of George Clooney.

¨Well, orphanage it is eh?¨ He asks her. She kept quiet, not wanting to talk about it. Three cop cars park themselves in front of Delanna's home. Her vision blurs as more tears well up in her eyes as she searches the surrounding houses for at least one familiar face.

A salty tear finds its way down her cheek, and onto her lap. This makes her want to cry even more. She reminds herself that the Clooney taxi driver was still there and now was watching her.

¨What happened to your mama girl?¨ He inquires.

¨She ran away.¨ Delanna whispers.

¨Oh. Sorry about that hon.¨ He says. He probably isn't sorry. She thinks. It means a little that Taxi George Clooney cares, in some way.


They arrive at the orphanage after what seems like hours. The bright yellow taxi contrasts against the dark black and greys of the orphanage.

¨Well isn't this depressing.¨ The taxi driver exclaims. Delanna couldn't agree more. 

The building was one massive structure. Black wooden planks lined the orphanage's exterior. After a few moments, Delanna noticed that there were students. They were all dressed in a white buttoned-up top, black pants for the boys and knee length black skirts for the girls. No way, I am not wearing those. Delanna thinks.

The upset looking kids stop in their tracks to look at her. She is wearing bleached blue skinny jeans and a camo hoodie. She stands out like a really, really sore thumb.

Bloodshot eyes watch her as she pulls the suitcase out of the taxi boot, and starts up the concrete path. If you didn't know it was concrete, you would've thought it was just moss. 

A rather large, rather ugly lady opens the double doors. Her hair in a messy bun. A pipe hung at the side of her mouth and the large black dress she wore made her look taller, and a lot scarier.

¨State your name and age please miss.¨ She bellows at Delanna.

¨Delanna Hays. I'm 15.¨ She says back.

¨Well then,¨ The woman says. She stops for a moment. ¨My name is Miss Hecklar. I am your teacher and dorm monitor. You will call me Miss or Miss Hecklar. Nothing else. I expect respect and responsibility from you, no curiosity. You must stay in your room until further notice...¨

While Miss Hecklar rambles on about the requirements, Delanna looks around to see the other students mouthing out everything the Miss said in perfect time. Delanna looks back at Miss Hecklar to notice that she didn't seem to know what the kids were doing. This place might be better than I thought. Delanna thinks.

¨Do you understand Ms Hays?¨ Delanna jumps to realise Miss Hecklar is talking to her!

¨Yes, of course. Um, Miss.¨ She says.

¨Wonderful. Lily Stakes is your dorm-mate as we call them here.¨ A tall, tan girl steps forward. She is very pretty with brown hair and blonde at the ends.

¨Hi.¨ Lily says.

¨Ciao.¨ Says Delanna.

¨Well I hope you girls get to know each other well.¨ Miss Hecklar announces. ¨Welcome to the Italian Home for Orphans.¨

Lily walks up to Delanna and tells her to follow. Delanna does so, and after going through hallway after hallway for what seemed like years, they stop at a large dark oak door.

¨Here we are.¨ Lily says.

And they walk into the dorm room.

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