Chapter 1

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Hie cutie pies...
So here comes my First official Chapter

Hope you like it...

OK so The pic above is our heroine Aarnah which is played by Gal Gadot.
But you Are free to imagine any other woman instead of her.




Aarnah's. POV

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I woke immediately after hearing this bloody Hell of a machine called 'The Alarm Clock' ringing or better say yelling near my ears . Oh god i just hate this machine which is standing in the table beside my soft comfy bed.Urgh...
i just want to reep off The head of The person who invented this irritating machine.
Yeah this much wild i go when Someone disturbs me while sleeping.

Ohh...wait whats The time?
Shit its already 7:30am and I have only 20mins left to get ready!!

20mins later...

" omygodiamhellnervous" - i voiced out my Heart to Hailey in one breath.

" Woh..lady chill, its fine and I know you'll get The job." -Hailey convinced me.

"But Hailey what Will happen IF i won't be able to answer any question asked by 'The Vernan Raichand' " - i asked Hailey while entering The lift.
Yes! You read write...i am here in 'The Raichand' Company for a job and currently heading towards The Floor of 'The Vernan Raichand' ør better call it 'lion's den'!


The door of The lift went Wide while breaking my train of thoughts...
Hailey guided me towads The waiting area of the Floor and asked me to have a Seat.

"Hey where Are you going?" - I asked Hailey out of fear and nervousness.

"Well... i am going to check inn The lion's cabin, you know" - She answered while winking at me.

'Did I voice it out toø loud about The lion's den Thing' - i mentally asked myself.

"Yes you did." - Hailey said while waying towards her cabin.

Well did I say that Hailey toø has a cabin in this Floor along with The boss. hånds again started sweating. i rubbed my hånds together to rub off The sweat and folded my hånds to pray.

'Ø almighty please help me get The job. I am really in The need to get the job. Please help like you Always dø. Thank you god for all The things you have done for me and showering me with your blessings like Always. And lastly, l love you møm and dåd. Hope you both Are looking at me from The stars.' - i mently prayed to my all time bestie. My god.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked straight finding out a handsome Mån almost my age staring at me intensely.

I quickly figured out his facial features.
His eyes Are pure charcoal Black with an expression which is like alien to me. He has got a Long, Sharp and pointed tip nose with perfect jawline. His lips Are a bit cherry red coloured with its own softness. All in all he is like a super model ready to pose for a shot....

Again my chain of thoughts were broken by a clearing throat.


************************************************************Hie cutie pie...

So my this Chapter ends here.

Hope you liked it.

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