Warning CH.4

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   My head hurted really badly and so did my back all I remembered was being thrown from my room to down the stairs. And then I saw Sebastian and It just all went black I tried to get up and a horrible pain went from ny neck to my back I screamed "OW!!!". And then I felt a hand on my back it was Sebastians hand it felt strong and firm but soft and gentle he softly said " be careful don't hurt your self Callie".

I heard my father tell Sebastian to watch me until I get better Sebastian agreed and my mother Lizzy walked over to me and told me that her and Ciel where going away for 2 weeks and that Sebastian and the rest of the staff would take care of me and of course I agreed because I was to tiered to argue or impli so I softly said "alright mother"

Thank you guys can't wait to show you the rest sorry it was a little short I ran out of ideas thanks
Amber Jones

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