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Dark's PoV:
"While you and Jack were busy with memories, Anti and I got ourselves our own bodies back. We'll go after him, we'll even leave him alive." I say, watching as Mark glares at me, his hand still running through Jack's hair. The rest of the group walk in and see Anti and I. I smirk at them.

"Dark," Mark says sternly, I look at him to see he's glaring at me, warning me against doing anything to them. I roll my eyes and Anti and I disappear, going after the killer of Mark's family.

Mark's PoV:
I sigh as I see them disappear. Echo walks over and hugs me, followed by Flower and Trevor.

"I'm glad you're awake." Echo says.

"You know Dark and Anti?" Flower says, having obviously noticed that I knew them.

"Yeah, well... I know Dark. Mostly because he's been basically like the evil voice in my head. Although, he did help me. Maybe he's going soft." I say and chuckle quietly at the thought of Dark going soft. I cough, leaning forward as I do, pain shooting through my body. I look at Jack and smile once the coughing stopped and look at Echo and them and see concern on their faces.

"Do you need anything?" Trevor asks.

"Yeah, I'm hungry, and my throat hurts." I say, smiling at them. They all nod and go to grab me some food and water. I turn my head to Jack and kiss his forehead gently as he 'sleeps'. His face is calm, his mouth hanging slightly open as he breaths gently. His head's leaning against my chest and I smile more. I bring my arm that has his hand tied to mine up and put my arm around his back, making sure his arm is still in front of him so he's not in pain. I lay down and wrap my other arm around him and pull him close to my chest.

Anti's PoV:
I look at Dark as we change our looks so we look like Mark and Jack rather than evil versions of them. I smile as he looks at me. He rolls his eyes.

"Why do you think Richard went after Mark?" I ask.

"Probably because Mark reminds him of me and he was hoping I would take control. After all, he locked up his original so he wouldn't interfere." Dark fixes his sleeves and changes his skin, hiding the tattoos that almost cover his whole body. Just before the skin on his neck changes I see he has a tattoo there.

I frown as his piercings disappear and the black and red of his eyes go to white and gentle brown

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I frown as his piercings disappear and the black and red of his eyes go to white and gentle brown. I sigh and change to the way Jack looks. He fixes his hair so it looks like Mark's and I do the same, only making it look like Jack. I look at him and he's smiling at me.

"You sure do know how to look like Jack."

"And you know how to look like Mark, so what?"

"Should we be acting like them too?" He asks, coming closer to me.

"Maybe, it would make this worth it, wouldn't it?"

"Well, would they do this, then?"

Finally finished!! Yay!!

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