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I don't know how good this one is, but I tried... also, it's kinda sad.

Echo's PoV:
Flower and I rush upstairs, scared of what we might find. We practically slam the bedroom door open in our rush. Jack's head snaps to us, he standing close to the wall. We look at Mark, who's on the bed, watching Jack. We look back at Jack just in time to see him drop to the floor. We all rush over to him. Mark picks him up, pulling him onto his lap. I look at Jack, he's ghostly pale.

"He needs to eat something," I say. Mark nods and picks him up. We all go downstairs and Mark brings him over to the couch. I go into the kitchen and grab something for him to eat. I bring it to Mark and he takes it as Jack wakes up slowly. "Jack, eat it."

Jack looks at me and shakes his head and then looks at Mark, then at the food in his hand. Mark puts the food closer to his mouth. Jack turns away from it and I growl.

"Jack, if you don't eat, I will take you to the hospital and they will feed you through a tube," I say, getting irritated with him. He flinches, looking at me wide-eyed. Everyone stares at me in surprise. I leave the room, needing to cool down before I explode with fear and anger. I grip the kitchen counter, closing my eyes. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look to see Flower standing there. I can tell she can see the fear and sadness in my eyes. She hugs me and I bury my face in her shoulder.

"Hey, everything's going to be okay," she says.

"You don't know that..." I say quietly.

"No, I don't. But I have hope that it will. You go get rest, I'll make sure Jack eats and Mark is okay."

I nod and start heading to my room. I see Mark and Jack on the couch, cuddled together. I smile slightly and walk upstairs.

Jack's PoV:
I cuddle against Mark's chest, closing my eyes. I open my eyes to a burning building, flames crawling up the walls. The wallpaper burning off, revealing brick walls. I look around, coughing, looking for a door. I don't find one and collapse to the floor, coughing and feeling like I'm gonna throw up. I see someone standing in the corner and notice it's my mom.

"Why weren't you there? Why didn't you save me?" I hear her say. I cry.

"I-I didn't... I didn't know... I-I..." I sob, trying to speak. I see someone else and notice my brother, next to her.

"Why didn't you stop him? Why did you let him kill me?" He says. I sob, holding my head.

"I-I..." I feel a hand on mine and look up to see my friend, Charlie. My eyes widen.

"Why'd you leave?" He asks. I back away from him, shaking my head.

"I-I didn't mean to... I didn't want to..." I gasp out, feeling like I'm choking. I look at the three of them, blood appearing on my brother's shirt, where he was stabbed. A gun shot appearing on my mother's forehead. On Charlie, there's a red mark on his neck. I shake my head, reaching up and gripping my head as I sink to the floor.

I choke on the smoke from the flames, they burn my skin, my clothes peeling away as they burn.

I then feel someone shaking me.

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