It's always been her

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Paul POV
Another morning starts my day. The wind blowing the curtains as I opened my eyes, I can hear the birds chirping at my window. I looked through my phone seeing unread messages and misscalls from Ella. Rather worrying, I knew she'd only call when they two had an argument. I knew love is a good feeling but it can hurt you badly, and the ironic thing is we still choose to get hurt and continue to love them anyways. As another call pop out into my screen, I finally answered her call. I can hear through her line sobbing telling me everything about their argument. I always promote break up and she once told me that she's sick of hearing my  advice to her, well if I wasn't a good friend, I would've smash her in the air and tell her I already memorized their same argument everyday. She came by to my house and made her a cup of hot chocolate, perfect for the weather. Her eyes were swelling and her nose is stiff. I glared at her and she decided not to look back because of embarass maybe, she focused at her hot chocolate while sarcastically avoiding my glare. I poke her head "You moron, aren't you going to say anything?" She continued to avoid but then I decided to go straight to the point and ask her a question that would always make her cry everytime I say it. "There, there it's ok Ella" She began to cry, sobbing and whine. "I told him to stop talking to Glen! That stupid knows how to push my buttons very well!" She scorned while her tears fall down. "Why stay if he always push your angry button instead of happy button?" I stern with my hands crossed. "I told you to stop promoting break ups, if you love someone! You must not give up, well I should've known because the fact, I still haven't seen you dating a girl" She said, I let her calm down for a bit and then replied "Because I'm not giving up to someone I love." I stood and went to the kitchen. I knew this is the perfect timing to tell her I'm leaving this week to chase my dream, my mom believed in my potential, decided to get me and live with her and her business at the entertainment world. "So Ella, about me dreaming to share my music to the entertainment world, uh— I'll be leaving soon so—" "WHAT!?" Ella shouted, I turned back finding out she was talking to a phone the whole time. I was upset a bit, I returned to the table "Were you saying anything while you were at the kitchen?" "I'm talking to myself" She laughed finally and my anger faded, she's always beautiful when she smile. I love the way she laughs. Eversince we were little kids, she's always like that, one simple sarcasm can already make her laugh, one simple effort can make her appreciate it. She's always stupid and dumb while hanging out with me but always talks about Stef about how great a boyfriend he is blabla. I'm always a friend for her. I always had a lot of courage to tell her about my feelings but it's always a bad timing, she had such a lot of suitors and I always come in last, I'm so not good when it comes to courting, I'm in the 90's world. I grab my coat and glance at her. "Hey, aren't we supposed to be at school by now? I'll take you, I'll be going to my school after" I said and caressed my handkerchief in her face, wiping the remaining tears. I head to get my keys but then unfortunately, the car's machine misbehaved. I opened the front to see the problem, a poke from Ella divert my attention, she glimpse at our bikes back when we were kids. She smiled and I predicted what she's thinking right now. Her smile is lovely, as we rode thru our bikes our memories flashes back. Our happiness were priceless, our laugher was unforgettable. We didn't notice we were at our destination, Stef was at the bus stop near their school, We were interrupted. Stef saw us, he walked toward us with glares, he approached Ella "Are you always that kind of stubborn!?" She was talking to Ella. "Look who's talking! Why don't you go talk to Glen if that's what you want" Ella answered back, I hate this kind of scene, I was planning to exit but it made me stay when Stef grip her wrist tightly, it made Ella whince . I held his collar "You're talking to a girl" I stern. "I'm talking to my girlfriend!" He replied "Talk to her nicely" "You can't command me" "Let go of her wrist." He let go. We gave each other a glare. Ella pulled Stef away from me to avoid conflict "Paul, thanks for taking me here, let's talk later"
She smiled and sweep Stef off with her.

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