Meeting Violet

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A loud crash from downstairs woke me up. I shot up, my heart pounding in my chest.

My first thought was that perhaps Caper or Draco had knocked something over, but the thought was disproved when I became aware that the two creatures were in bed with me.

I slid out of my bed and reached under it. My fingers curled around the hilt of a broadsword that I had bought a few years ago.

I tugged the weapon out from under the bed and removed it from it's sheath.

The sharp metal glinted in the pale light of the moon, coming from the window as I walked out of my bedroom.

My bare feet padded silently down the stairs, my knuckles white from gripping my sword so hard.

The figure of a man came into view as I entered the living room, he had his back turned to me and was picking up my books from off the coffee table.

I quietly approached the intruder and pressed the tip of my blade to the nape of his neck. "Turn around slowly, I am not afraid to kill you." I growled as menacingly as I could manage.

The man turned around as I said. "You have horrible decorating taste!"

I blinked my eyes in confusion. "What?" I asked.

He strode confidently away from my blade and flipped on the light.

He was a dark haired man with soft brown eyes. "I said you have horrible decorating tastes!" He gestured at my cheap, floral print couch and flea market coffee table. "Honestly. How could you do this to my house?" He murmured.

"Actually it's my house. Who the fuck are you, Queer Eye for the Teen?" I hissed, trying to make a sarcastic joke.

"I'm Chad. And this is my house, little girl. Not yours." His eyes hardened, and for a moment I was frightened of him.

I shook off the fear and pointed my sword at him again. "Get the fuck out or I'll call the police." I threatened him.

He made no move to leave so I turned to grab the house phone off the coffee table, when I turned back, he was gone.

I walked into the kitchen and put the phone back on the charging dock and then searched the house for my intruder.

All the doors were locked, and there seemed to be no sign of a break in.

I knew I hadn't dreamt it...

I moved back into the kitchen, wide awake now, and sat my sword on the island as I began digging through the fridge for a late night snack to calm my mind.

As I pulled out a stick of string cheese, I heard the sound of creaking footsteps coming towards me.

I dropped the cheese and grabbed my sword and spun around, pressing it against Tate's neck.

Tate's eyes widened as he held his hands up in surrender. "What are you doing?" He asked calmly, a smug smile crossing his features as I removed my blade from his neck.

"Sorry... There was some weird guy in the house a bit ago... Chad I think.. I'm still on edge." I admitted.

He took the sword out of my hands. "Fucking queer." He mumbled, shaking his head before looking at me. "You're alright?"

I nodded. "Yeah... Hey. No, wait. How did you get in here?"

His lips curled up into that smirk he wore so well. "You left a door open." His explanation was vague, and clearly untruthful.

I reached to grab my sword back, but he moved to keep it out of my reach. "You said you wouldn't lie to me, Tate." I crossed my arms over my chest.

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