Opening the Book

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I wasn't sure what the loss of my humanity meant for me, Derek, or rather, Death, had said I was under a time constraint if I wanted to use the grimoire to save anyone. Guess I'll find out eventually.

I took the book back up to my room, the Harmons had eventually decided to leave me alone, mostly because I either couldn't or wouldn't answer the questions they had.

I plopped the book onto my bed and quickly changed into my pyjamas, it was getting late already, no point in staying in yesterday's clothes. As soon as I was dressed, I hopped onto my bed and grabbed the book.

Tate hasn't followed me up, and I didn't linger my thoughts on that as I stared at the cover. I was nervous, for some reason, to open the book. Maybe because I didn't know what waited me inside. Or maybe it wasn't nerves, as some tiny part of me whispered to put it down, to not even try, but I shook my head and pulled the book open.

The pages were blank, and I felt duped. Had Derek lied to me? Surely that couldn't be it, if the Rosenheim residents couldn't even get near it...
I stared blankly at the pages, frustration welling up in me. I thought I had the answers!

I slammed the book shut and, in a fit of sudden rage and anger, threw it across the room, where it hit and shattered my lamp.

"Shit!" I hissed as I got up and walked over to the broken lamp. I picked the book up and out it on my desk, next to my laptop, before I began to grab up the pieces of broken glass.

As I squatted down, picking up pieces, Tate's hands enclosed around mine. "Shit, Fox." He breathed as he pried my hands open and pulled the glass away from me, it was only then that I noticed I had been clutching the shards too tight, that they had cut into my hands.

I stood there staring at my bloody hands as Tate finished picking up the pieces and tossing them away. There was something mesmerising about the way my blood rolled and dripped down my arms, leaving red trails in the wake.

I was pulled out of my thoughts as Tate grabbed one of my hands in his and dug his thumb into one of my cuts, causing me pain. "Ow! Fuck, let go!" I cried out and he dropped my hand. I started to pull them against me, but instead grabbed the Grimoire, only to set it down seconds later, due to the pain in my hands.

"What the fuck, Fox?" Were his only words before he yanked me into the bathroom and pressed a towel against my hands to staunch the bleeding. "I don't know what's happening to you, but I don't like it." He muttered.

I allowed him to bandage my hands as I sat on the edge of the tub. "Nothing's happening to me, Tate." I replied after a while. "I'm just frustrated by that book, but I'm okay."

He stared at me and sighed before sitting down next to me on the tub's edge. "You said you sold your humanity. That's a high sounding price to pay, I'm worried about what's going to happen to you." He looked me in the eyes and I shrugged.

"Nothing will happen. I'll save you all before anything has the chance to happen." I replied.

He laid a hand on my shoulder. "I hope you're right, Fox." He said before disappearing.

I stood up and padded back into my bedroom and grabbed the book again before tossing it onto my bed, where it landed in an open position. I hopped into bed and just as I reached out to grab it, the blood I had spilt onto the book seeped onto a page, and words scrawled across the blank page. The words shifted and changed as I watched in awe, until they spelt out words I could read.

"Killing Spells." The random page presented, and in fact, the page was filled with spells to kill people in different ways.

I looked through them for a bit before deciding they weren't what I needed, and flipped the page. However, the other pages were still blank. And I realised, I needed blood to activate the book.

A/N: I get it OKAY. I put the wrong name down for the Harmon's baby. ;-; I get a lot of messages about that.

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