Future part 6 old friends

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I sat down I saw Hayley and Charlotte then they both saw me  "Vicky nice to see you what happening" I answered "nothing much just got lost in the woods " Hayley looked at me like she saw a ghost

Then Hayley said "THE WOODS WHY HOW TELL ME" so Tanya said "well I want Pokémon hunting and Victoria didn't so we got lost and Charlotte saw us" Hayley  said "okay then" then Charlotte said "when is the food coming out I'm hungry" I said "soon I think"

Then will got the food the food was so good I'm glad that me and Tanya and Hayley and Charlotte liked the food we had chicken sandwiches it's nice to see your old friends you can see

So we ate then talk and talk and talk but then will said goodbye to everyone the opening of the restaurant was good but I didn't think it was but Tanya was so happy about it

So will want home then I just went to bed the time will got home I had bobby and magic and all of my unicorns then I went to sleep

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