Part 2■■■■■

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'If you ever feel alone
and The glare
makes me hard to find
Just know that
I'm always parallel
on the other side'
Raven's POV

I sat on the ground, my head in my hands as I tried to wash myself clean of this feeling I never wanted to feel again.

'Raven, you should come to Nevermore, I have something you need to see'  Happy's voice rang in my head.

I let out a sigh as I walked towards my dresser which held my mirror. I grabbed my mirror and looked through it and felt that pulling sensation tug at me and there I was in a matter of seconds. Nevermore.

"Raven! Quick! Hurry!" Happy exclaimed as she appeared out of nowhere.

Before I could say anything, she pulled at my arm and we started running towards a dark and cold prison.

"Happy? Why are we here?" I asked my bubbly emotion but she stayed silent which was totally unlike her.

Happy abruptly stopped which caused me to smash into her but she still had her back turned to me.

I glanced over her shoulder and noticed a prison and someone in it. The person was wearing a purple cloak and was completely wrapped in chains.

"Raven, this is Love" Happy rang out but what surprised me was that her voice was completely dark which was completely opposite of this emotion.

The emotion in the purple cloak looked up and I noticed her sweet and loving smile on her face.

"Hi Raven! Long time no see!" She greeted and tried to reach out her hand but was restricted by the chains.

"Why are you chained up?" I asked the emotion as I came up close to the jail bars.

She let out a laugh and smiled at me.

"You put me here Raven" She answered.

"No I didn't! Why would I do that?!" I yelled out as I moved back alittle.

"When Malchior betrayed you, you decided you would never love another man again and you locked up the feeling of love, you locked up me" She explained.

"But....something is happening" Happy added as she also stepped up and put a hand on my shoulder.

"What? What's happening?" I asked as I whipped my head at the both of them.

"My chains are falling" Passion said as she kicked up a piece of the chains that were laying on the floor next to her.

"Why?" I asked even though I knew the answer.

"Beastboy" The two emotions said at the same time.

I forcefully pulled myself out of Nevermore.

"No! No! No!" I exclaimed in anger as I stomped my foot.

Then there was a knock on the door.

"Hey Rae! The team is going to the park, you coming?" Cyborg's loud voice rang out.

I walked up and opened my door and there he stood in civilian clothing.

"You gotta change by the way" He stated as he walked off whistling.

"Ugh!" I groaned as I closed the door to change.

In Nevermore....

"Well that was rude" Passion said with a laugh.

"This is going to be really interesting" Happy replied as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Definitely" Passion agreed as a chain fell from her tangled ones.

Hey readers! Sandeforever here! Second chapter! Boom you're welcome! I know it's kinda serious but don't worry, fluff and humor on the way!

Shout-out to Briana_loves_bbrae The first person to comment on Mirrors! Keep being awesome girl!


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