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"I don't want to lose you now
I'm staring right at the other half of me
The vacancy that sat in my heart
Is a space that now you hold"

Raven's POV

There I was. Inviting Beastboy to sit next to me at the park after snatching away my book.

Why did I do that you may ask, and to be completely honest I'm asking myself that question as well.

"So Rae, what cha reading?" Asked that voice that sent chills down my spine. Not those that you feel when in danger, but the kind you feel when the one you love says your name so softly.

"Macbeth" I replied as I sat down under the shade of a tree.

"Really? Ain't that book written in some wack kind of english" He said with one of his signature smirks.

I glanced at him about to reply when I noticed how the sun hit his face and shone in his emarald eyes.

I blushed madly as I whipped my head quickly towards my book so he wouldn't see the red beast I was hiding.

He sat down next to me, and I could feel his arm brush against mine which made me freeze.

"Actually Beastboy, the book is written in shakespearn literature." I responded my eyes carelessly scanning the pages of the script.

"Like I said. Wacked English" he said with a chuckle.

My blush deepened when I heard his beautiful laugh.

Beastboy's POV

So there I sat, next to the most beautiful girl on this planet, on a sunny day. And what do I do? I go and insult the book she's reading after stealing it.

I look at her as her amethyst eyes scan the pages at lightning quick speed.

The sun's rays come through the leaves, and branches, somehow making her glow.

"Shakespeare isn't wack Beastboy. It's complicated, it makes the reader think." She said as she sweeped her hair out of her eyes.

Against my own freewill, my hand reached out and tucked her hair behind her ear.

She whipped her head to look at me with disbelief as my hand just lingered on the side of her face.

Why is she so beautiful?

"B-beastboy?" Her elegant voice cracked right through my thoughts and brought me back to reality.

A fierce blush rose to my face as I pulled my hand away from her face.

"I'm so sorry Rae!" I shouted as I held my hand.

Before she could answer, I bolted away out of embarrassment.

What's wrong with me?!

Without looking I rammed into the tin can himself, Cyborg.

"Yo! Watch where you're going grass stain" Cyborg said as he brushed himself off.

"Sorry dude. It's just I did something so stupid!" I yelled as I pulled at my green locks.

"What was it? You wet yourself again?" He asked amused by humiliation.

"No. I was sitting with Rae when I noticed she was getting a little irratated with her hair, so I brushed it behind her ear, and sort of kept my hand over her cheek!" I groaned as another fierce blush flooded my face as the memory came rushing back.

After a moment of silence, a loud laugh emergers from the walking tincan.

"What's so funny?" I asked as I watched him wipe his tears.

"Beasty my man, you got a thing for Raven" he stated as if it were obvious.

I stood there in shock as I took in what he just said.

"What? No I don't!" I answered in defense.

"Oh really?" He asked in disbelief as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"I think I would know my own feelings dude" I replied as I mimicked his actions.

"Hmm, Okay man, Whatever you say" He answered as he returned to the grill, and the steak on it.

I turned my head to look at Rae who was back to reading her book. Her violet hair swayed in the slight wind, and her amethyst eyes, once again, hurriedly scanned the pages.

I don't like Rae.

Do I?


Hey readers!!!! I'm back with a whole new chapter!!! But I AM SO SORRY FOR JUST PEACING OUT ON YOU GUYS!!!! Please forgive me????? And I promise that I will finish this story!!!

A special thanks to all those who kept asking and commenting for me to update! If it wasn't for you guys, I'd probably wouldn't have updated at all! Anyways I LOVE YOU GUYS!! THANKS FOR ALL THE SUPPORT!!!! (P.s. credit goes to the artist for that amazing photo up there!)


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