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As I ran through the city tears streaming down my face. I began to notice the city turn to a blur, most likely from my speeding. I wanted to run faster to escape my pain. My thoughts returned to the world around me, which had begun to change. The blue surrounded me. Then it was all gone.

                          Two Months Earlier:

The boy wonder walked into the cave that served as a base for his team, The young justice team that is, and sat down on the couch. He flicked the TV on and laid back. Megan walked up to the lounges chair next to Robin's couch and plopped down. "I must know why you keep your identity secret! You ARE among friends." She said staring at Robin with a perplexed face.  Robin knew this was coming it always comes. "Megan I have told you A THOUSAND TIMES.....(sigh)... Batman..... would...... KILL ME!" the black haired boy in shades said. "I don't believe he would do that... you're like his son!" The green skinned martian said. "Then you don't know Batman." came the voice of the Black Canary.  "Meeting now." she said. "What about the others?" Megan asked. "uh oh" Robin said going to cover his ears. Canary opened her mouth and a sonic scream blared throughout the mountain facility.

Canary told the team they would be going to the new training ground two at a time. She began to pair them up. Megan was with superboy, Artemis was with Aqualad, and Robin with Kid Flash. Canary told them that the training sequence would take 30 minutes for each pair. Kid flash and robin high-fived at the pairing and then again when they were told they were last in line. 


"Wait up Wally!" I said trying to catch up with my speedy friend. We were headed to his room to play video games for the next hour till it was our turn to run through the "test". When I got to Wally's room he was already in his pajamas and had mine laid out. "Wait you knew I had pajamas and were they were?" I asked blushing. "Oh yeah sorry. Well, you can just get changed in the bathroom." He said still focused on the game. I humored him and got in my PJs anyway. I sat behind him  on the edge of his bed well he sat in his chair.

We sat and played video games for 10 minutes before I got bored so I asked if we could watch a movie. we were 30 minutes into that when they called Megan and Superboy to the test. As we kept going i began to shove him and all, playfully of course, and eventually i just got tired. Before i knew it they were calling us to the test. I was actually really angry they called us... I mean the movie was good. I got up and changed and we were out to the training course in 10 minutes.
It was a strange new course and it looked difficult. It looked like a mansion.... no it looks like my mansion... Wayne manner? As me and KF entered we heard the bell telling us it has begun. Suddenly the whole area was dark and then a moon began to light it. "We must be in a dome of some sort" Wally said sounding a bit perplexed. Then a crack of lightning scarred me and rain began to pour. I noticed a shadow cross the ground in front of us and looked up. "Batman?" I questioned. "Looks like him!" Wally said.
We quietly slid towards the big house. A voice echoed saying "this is a silent mission and the goal is to get inside". Suddenly there were two guards in front of us facing the other way. I gave the speedster the hand signals telling him to take the left one on my count. I counted on on my hand 1, 2, 3. I launched throwing a birdarang at my target and then jumping on his back and pushing him to the ground for an instant KO. Wally had one foot on the back of his target and was jokingly checking his nails. "To easy" he whispered. "Note taken said a strange voice different from the first echoing one.
We moved silently toward the house taking down all the men between us and the towing oversized building. I was looking at the mansion when I realized the objective of this session. "Reliance Wally that's what the session is." I said thinking about how I was the one giding us toward the manor. "What what are you talking about Robbie" he said knowing I hate that nickname. "I mean it's trying to cope when one person knows the area and the other doesn't.". " You know this area?" He asked. "No time let's keep going.
We approached the door and opened it. My theory was all screwed up though the inside was still the manor it would have had to be an area flash knows for the reliance lesson. A scream echoed through the house as we entered. I recognized the sound from a time he saw a spider on his tea cup. "Alfred?" I yelled running up the stairs. "Robin wait. Robin shoes Alfred." Wally asked as he ran behind me. I heard whimpering as we reached the top of the stairs. It was coming from my room. We walked to the door saying Dick. I pushed it open and walked in to the horrific site.
Alfred was laying against the small section of wall below the window in a puddle of blood. What I am guessing is me is laying under the blanket crying on the bed. And the worst part was Batman standing facing Alfred's body. "Here little bird it's your turn now." Said a horrifyingly familiar voice. I knew were it was coming from... it was Batman who said it but that wasn't his voice it was. The man turned to face the bed and the pale white side of his face could be seen. He pulled of the cowl and lifted the bloody batarang, that I'm guessing was what he used to kill Alfred, and walked to the bed. "Come here Robin!" He said pulling the simulation me out from under the covers. "Wait is that you?" Wally asked. It's then that the situation was realized and Wally ran at the red lipped psycho. He just threw KF back at the wall. I watched him dig the batarang into the scared simulation me. He shoved it right in 'my' neck and I watched the blood spray. Suddenly the world began to light up and fall apart. I looked into the jokers insane eyes as he said "I'm coming for you little bird".

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