Chapter 8: Dont leave me!

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( Y/n's POV )

"Ahh! What a lovely day!" I said to myself. I get up and stretch, make my bed and all the stuff. But then I remember what happened yesterday.. GAHH!!! Y/n DON'T THINK ABOUT IT!!! I scream in my mind, rolling on the floor of flatter.

"Do not waste this wonderful time Y/n!" I said brightly "you need to get ready for school! Yes school! Wait no! NOO I CAN'T GO!"

Why am I acting like This? Gah! Just thinking about it what happened yesterday makes my head hurt and makes my heart race.. What's this feeling?? I'm sure it's nothing.

So instead of fighting with my parents, I'll just get up. Don't want to make my day worse or anything else!

( 10 minutes of getting ready and leaving the casa 🎉)

I start to walk to school, it'll take like 5 minutes to be there and I'm not sure if I can face Zane after what happened.. Just forget about it! he might've slipped! Yes probably that out thought a snaked bit me and sucked out the poison! Or that's just what I want to believe..

"Y/n! Wait for me!"


I turn around to see who was calling me, but I don't see anyone.. That's weird.. probably someone has the same name as me.

"Don't leave me!"

"Who is calling me?"

I keep Turning around and not seeing anyone! I'm going crazy! Is someone pulling a prank on me? The voice sounded familiar! but none of my friends' voices .. oh whale.

Finally I'm safe and sound at the school! Yes.. The school I love and hate.. Mostly hate.. I start to walk up the stairs, then suddenly I hear the voice again.

"Y/n... I told you to wait for me!~"

"Who are you?!"

"Huh?! Y/n doesn't remember me.."

"Just tell me your name.."

Luckily no one was around..

"You know my name"

"Umm.. No I don't"

"It is... Naho!"


"Where are you?"



Someone grabbed my hands and got me back to reality.. I start to blink a lot then glanced at who was In front of me.

"Y/n, it's Aphmau not Naho!~" Aph replied back with a wide smile..

"Yeah..yeah..aphmoo" I said.

"NO DON'T CALL ME THAT!!~"She shouts to me and helps me walk into the school.

"So...have you talked to Zane??~" she questions me.


"Y/N ANSWER ME!" She yells at me again, but quiet this time.

"No.. No, sorry I was spaced out, I have a lot of things on my hands."

"I understand. Now we still have time to talk with Katelyn and the gals," she starts to talk " now shall we Ms.L/n?~"

"Yes Ms. Whatever your last name is."

She doesn't reply back and then we go to the tables where they are always at.

"Katelyn! Nicole!" Aphmau shouts to them and walks towards them "how come you didn't text back Katelyn? You left me on read."

( leaving people on read is very sad. And that is when they don't answer back to you on Kik but read it. -_-)

"Sorry hon, I was hanging out with Nicole at the diners."

"So hanging out with Nicole is more important?" Aphmau mutters.



I was probably the only one who heard it, maybe I have good hearing.. Just then something caught my eye, while the lads were talking. I was staring at the back of Zane, he was with his older brother, Garroth Ro'meave~

I talked to him a lot and his friends like, laurance, Dante, Aaron. Well, I wouldn't count Aaron as his friend because he looks scary but inside Aaron, probably looks like a soft teddy bear. Squish squish. I also befriended the Shadow Knights because they were so friendly to me and they still are! but i won't join their club, looks tacky.

"I have to go," i said to them. "I need to talk to Zuzu- I mean Zane Ro'meave the second oldest in the family."

"Oh..okay.." Katelyn waved goodbye as I looked backed at them but then turned away.

Then Zane was in front of me with his eye looking straight into me soul.

"Where were you?"

Almost making me fall on to Zane but I caught my balance.

"I slept the whole afternoon, I was so tired.."

"I guess that was your excuse."


The bell rang and Everyone went to their home room class.

"I'll see you later,"

"my Y/n"

Well I hoped you liked this chapter! I put my work and time into this! Well then.. Goodnight or good morning! I love you!
~ Neeks to the world 💕🌎

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