Chapter 5

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Quinn's POV

I sat on the floor with my back pressed up against the wall of my living room, I look across the room with a grin on my face - my apartment is finally beginning to look like a home. Like my home. I watch as Harry pinned the last Polaroid to my wall. I've decided that having a Polaroid wall would be like a way of being close with my old life - as much as I want to move on and start over, having pictures of my family and old friends made me feel somewhat at peace, just knowing that they're still here, in spirit makes me happy.

"Let's take some photos!" Harry said happily skipping over to me with my baby blue Polaroid in his hand. I looked at him unsure, due to me looking like actual crap. "No come one we have to, this is an important day!" He protested.

"And whys that?" I chuckled raising my eyebrow at him.

"Because it's marking the day of the beginning of our friendship!" He smiled lifting his arm up ready to pose for the first Polaroid.

"Fine" I huffed, I rested my arm on his shoulder, lifted myself up so I was on my tippy toes and I gave the camera a big toothy smile.

Obviously pleased with himself, Harry cheered as he shook the Polaroid around, before placing it down on the bench to set. He placed another film into the camera ready to take another photo, I watched him as he pulled the most ridiculous face at the camera, Harry ended up taking the photo while I was mid laughing at his face, which resulted in me having the biggest smile on my face.

"OMG look at your face" I laughed as the photo began to set.

"Why weren't you pulling a face too?!" Harry exclaimed, while also cracking up. "You know what I don't even care, these photos are amazing" he added as he pulled out his phone to take a photo of the Polaroids, as they sat side by side.

"Where should we put them?" Harry asked walking over to my Polaroid wall. I walked over next to him, I pointed to the top left of the board, Harry stretched up and pinned them, but as he stood back he unpinned a photo "Is this your boyfriend?" Harry asked showing me the Polaroid that Tyler and I had taken at the beginning of the year at one of his Parties.

"Um no he is a nobody" I replied snatching the Polaroid out of his hands angrily before ripping it up into little pieces and chucking it in one of the nearby empty boxes.

"Touchy subject?" He asked obviously confused with my outburst, I nodded my head slowly before looking back at all of the photos on the wall. "Would you like to talk about it?" He asked.

"Maybe one day" I smiled, he smiled back with a soft smile understanding that when I was ready to talk to him about it, I would.


It has been a few hours since Harry had left. Apparently his flat mate Callux was in some sort of a crisis, whatever that meant. For the little time I have known Harry, he has done nothing but talk so highly of all of his friends. Which made me think about how I have ended up where I am today. Where had I gone wrong? I only hope that one day I can put my whole past behind me and I can meet the right people who will be as proud and happy towards me, as Harry his towards his friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2017 ⏰

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