Chapter 1

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Quinn's POV

I stayed with Tyler after everything went down. It seems like just yesterday that I had lost the one thing that kept me going. My family. It didn't seem right for me to completely judge Tyler's lifestyle choices, although sitting in his living room and looking around the empty house that was now filled with bottles, red plastic cups and vomit seem to tell me otherwise. He is the closest thing to family that I have, so I'm just going to have to suck it up and roll with it. Tyler always tells me that these parties are just a bit of fun, and that I should 'loosen up' or 'enjoy' myself, yet how does he expect me to do that when every time he tells me to have faith in him the police show up?

I looked around the room once more before scrunching up my nose it disgust. This mess isn't going to clean up itself, I may as well start. I kicked a path clear of cups to the kitchen, I scavenged around it for a good 5 minutes before I discovered some garbage bags sitting underneath his infinite supply of alcohol in the pantry. I made my way throughout the living room, chucking as much crap into these bags as I could, he really does owe me. My attention was soon distracted when the door flew open.

"Oi! Quinn! Babe I'm back" Tyler yelled as he strolled in through the front door, with his hands in the air. He looked over at me smiling, until he quickly realized that I wasn't in the mood for him. His smile soon turned to a frown.

"You do realize that it is extremely unusual and not to mention weird, for you to be calling me babe right? You're my guardian" I huffed angrily as I chucked the half-filled garbage bag at him.

"Jesus, what got your panties in a twist" he sassily replied while rising his eyebrow "and for your information, babe, I'm only a few years older than you, I am not going to start calling you daughter" he continued before siting himself down on the couch. I stared at him without saying a word, "now I ask again, why are you so mad" he questioned.

"Are you seriously asking me that?" I snapped giving him a good old death stare, he stared back slowly nodding. "Well first of all, these stupid parties are driving me absolutely nuts. I don't care how much money you have it doesn't mean you can throw a party every other night, ditch half way through and rock up at 1pm expecting me to be cool about it all" I snarled angrily "I mean you're my guardian for god sake, and to be honest you're doing a pretty shitty job at it!" I added, I watched as Tyler stood up and clenched his fist. Well it looks like I made him a tad angry.

"A shitty job huh?" he snapped back. "If it was that shitty then why didn't you piss off when you turned 18? Huh?" he added clearly over 'my attitude'.

"Are you kidding me right now!?" I yelled back angrily "you for sure know why!"

"No I am not kidding Quinn! I gave you a home, clothes, food, water, everything you wanted and you think you have the right to treat me like I am some horrible person!? Well news flash Quinn, do you really think I enjoyed having you here? You were like a little burden that followed me around everywhere, you're lucky I took you in, because they would've shipped you off to some random foster family! Now stop being so ungrateful and show some freaking respect!" he yelled walking up to me. Who the hell does he think he is? Burden. Really?

"You look over me like you're some sort of God. But you're not. You're an insecure man who turns to alcohol, money and girls, what sort of life is that? In all honesty I feel sorry for you and everyone you have used!" I yelled back.

"You know what Quinn? Get out! Get the hell out of my house and never come back!" he growled pointing his finger towards the front door. Yet again he has cracked, he has let his anger get the better of him a well I can't really talk can I? I am just as bad. Typical Tyler his only resolution to a fight is walking away from it or pushing someone else to the side.

"Ty-" I started, he could not be serious. "No Quinn! I have put up with your sour attitude for way too long. Did you ever even consider for a second that maybe the reason you lost your family was because of you! If only you knew what they said about you when you weren't around!" he spat "they hated you Quinn" he added with pure anger in his eyes. I can't believe that he just said that.

Those four words were the words that I feared, the words that I had longed to hear. 'They hated you Quinn'. I stared up at him as I felt my heart shatter into pieces, my love for my family and their love for me was the one thing that kept me going, it's crazy how quickly something like that can change. We stood in silence. I watched as his face screwed up. As he had imminently regretted the words that had come out of his mouth. But I didn't care. It was the fact that he had said it.

"Quinn, I'm sorry I didn-" he whispered reaching out to me.

"Don't touch me! If you want me gone that badly, then fine. Goodbye Tyler" I spat picking up my bag and my phone before marching towards the door.

"Quinn wait please!" he yelled after me. I looked back at him in pure anger, and I knew for my sake and for his, that I had to leave, before I said something else and made the whole situation worse. I needed to get well away from him. I needed a fresh start. I span back around and strutted out of the door, slamming it with force behind me.

I spotted my car and sped walked as fast as I could, I needed to get away from him and his negative energy. I got about a meter towards my car, before I felt a large body collide with mine, causing me to fly straight back onto the footpath. I looked up angrily. I was no in the mood to be friendly.

"Oh love I am so sorry! I didn't see you there" he mumbled quickly pulling me back up to my feet. I wiped myself down, before wiping my hands on my jeans, who does he think he is?

"Are you ok? He added, snatching my attention, what does this idiot think? He just knocked me ass up!

"Jerk" I whispered quietly to myself.

"Pardon?" he replied fairly fast, clearly obviously hearing that I had just called him a jerk.

"I'm fine" I murmured looking down at what he was holding, it was some sort of electric skateboard. I gripped my bag and pulled it up off the ground, before I headed in the direction of my car.

"Are you sure you're ok? I knocked you down pretty hard?" he questioned again, seeming generally concerned.

"Just watch where you're going next time" I spat angrily, getting into the front seat of my car.

"Ok then, if you're su-" he muttered, taken back at my outburst. I hopped into my car as quickly as I could, before slamming the door shut, not feeling bothered to continue this conversation any longer. I am defiantly over people. God, the human race can be so irritating.

The first thing you need to know about me is that I wasn't always this sour bitch. I know right, shocking. The truth is, when I lost my family I felt as though my whole world had ended. It was like all the joy in my life was sucked away. It wasn't that long ago that I was an awkward, yet joyful person. I had a beautiful family, the most amazing genuine friends that anybody could ever ask for, and I was extremely happy. I was happy with my life and who I was. But now I just don't know. I don't know who I am anymore. I don't know where that version of myself went. But what I do know, is that I really do wish that version of myself would come back, because without her, I seem to be struggling.

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