To The One

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To the one who holds the key to my heart,
I ask you not to abuse it.
To the one who's smile makes my day,
I hope you cheer up soon.
To the one who's cute and adorable as fuck,
I want to stare at you all day long.
To the one who's veins run hot with lava,
I want you to keep me warm in the winter.
To the one who's eyes draw me in,
I ask you to entrance me with your gaze.
To the one who's embrace is soothing and safe,
I want you all day long.
To the one who's got ever changing hair,
I want you in my life always.
To the one who's shy and runs from others,
I ask you to never run from me.
To the one whom I love and never want to lose,
I ask you to stay close to me.

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