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This one was written for an English assignment and is not as from the heart as the others but see if you can guess the second meaning behind it.

Oh to see the world is my dream,
To travel up the stream.
To finish growing and leave my home,
Just move about and roam.
I'll travel the world and see it all,
See the short and see the tall.
The only problem with my plan,
Is my lack of funds.

I have no money to my name,
And no inheritance to claim.
However I am sweet and widely known,
So some money could be put on a loan.
Or maybe I should join the workforce,
I could pretend to be a pack horse.
Or I could get a job as an entertainer,
As I'm always the life of the party.

I doubt I'll ever leave this field,
My fate is already sealed.
I'll be taken away to a factory,
Processed until I'm satisfactory.
Then picked up and put in a truck,
And sold to some rich schmuck.
My name is Ushukela,
This is my dream.

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