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I wake up to find my alarm clock buzzing out my eardrum for 10 minutes. I press snooze and fall back asleep. Big mistake. I wake up at 9:02 AM and actually fall out of bed. I quickly put on some clothes and rush to the bathroom and fiercely brush my teeth. Sprinting across the hallway to do my makeup, nothing can make me rush this. I show up to school 45 minutes late.

I get a late slip from the secretary and walk into the classroom, my friends tell me good morning as the snicker at me, I smirk at them. I pass the late slip to my teacher apologizing telling her I woke up late and her nonchalantly rolling her eyes as I walk away. I sit down at the desk secluded from everyone the way I like it and start doing my work.

The bell rings and everyone leaves the classroom like cattle getting called for dinner. I walk to my locker, #264. I get my shit and walk to Phys. Ed. class ignoring everyone putting in my earphones. Just another day for me, really. Nothing special. Waiting at the gymnasium door for my teacher, I talk to my friends about things I don't find important yet they find exciting. It's usually about some stupid game or what we are going to do in Phys. Ed. class. Finally, she gets here and opens the door. We all walk inside the small door casually just abusing each other while we get in and go to change clothes.

I'm not much of a sport loving, knee breaking, ass slapping person myself but it amuses me to watch other people do it. I come out of the change room and wait for everybody else to finish so the teacher can explain her routine and we can get on with it. She chose dodgeball and I mentally groan as I hardly ever participate in gym games. Comes to a shock for most people, but I'd rather exercise than play some dumb, useless game that teaches us nothing in any way, shape or form.

The bell rings for a second time today and I go to my next class. It's pretty useless and it's not even worth mentioning what class it is so I'm just going to skip it.

Lunch rolls by and I walk home, alone, with my earphones in shuffling through my playlist. I get home and make a sandwich. While I eat, I watch Supernatural. One of my favourite television series of all time. Clock rolls by and I walk back to school, where I dread the rest of the day.

I get home three hours later and take a nap and repeat it all over again.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2016 ⏰

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