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"What are you doing?"
Jimin swore his heart nearly stopped as he sorted himself out from his once awkward position, dusting himself off and fixing his glasses, just to face one of his closest friends. "Hyung what are you doing here you nearly took several years off my life" he hissed clearly annoyed. Jin raised an eyebrow in slight amusement "I asked you first. Shouldn't you be studying right now? I get that you're smart but you're falling behind in calculus you know-" Jimin fell to the ground in dramatised fashion, hissing noises- almost inhumane came out from him "wE DON'T TALK ABOUT THAT" Jin rolled his eyes and bended down in attempts to pry the mess that was Jimin off the floor. "Come on, what if your parents make you quit dance club? You know they only let you since you keep your grades up." Jimin grimaced at the thought before letting out a long annoyed whine.

"Maybe I'll just move out I can run away with the- like what? 30 bucks I keep in my piggy bank and live in the studio forever- oH or maybe I'll threaten to drop all my grades if they make me stop!" "Jimin!" "HYUNG IT'S NOT M Y FAULT BLAME WHOEVER CREATED CALCULUS LITERALLY WHAT MADE THEM THINK IT WOULD BE A GOOD IDEA- ALL IT DOES IS MAKE ME AND THE REST OF THE EARTHS POPULATION THAT TAKES IT SUFFER"

Taehyung tilted his head in confusion upon hearing voices come from the auditorium. He was so certain that no one was there when he left just a couple minutes ago. However the conversation one of the voice's was having with another familiar one's seemed to intrigue him as he leaned against the wall quietly listening to them. "THEN YOU SHOULD GO STUDY BO Y WH ARE YOU SO DIFFICULT"  "I'D LITERALLY RATHER PEEL POTATOES WITH A PAIR OF NAIL CLIPPERS" Taehyung smiled to himself, amused by the banter "GOD IF ONLY YOU'D SPEND MORE TIME PAYING ATTENTION IN CLASS RATHER THAN WHATEVER YOU DO IN THE DANCE STUDIO- PROBABLY DOING SPINS IN TUTUS AND DANCING TO SOME LAKE SWAN SHIT FOR ALL I KNOW" before Jimin could retort once letting out a scandalised gasp, their conversation was cut short by laughter.

Jimin's heart stopped for a moment and a shiver ran down his spine. He knew that laugh from anywhere.

"Oh," Jin let out a big smile as the figure emerged from the hallway into the auditorium, almost forgetting about his lecture towards Jimin "Taehyung~" "Hey hyung! I heard your friend has problems with calculus, need any help?"

Jimin wanted to dig a hole and hide in there. He wanted to be hidden under a pile of blankets. He wanted to be anywhere but here. It's not like he didn't want to know Taehyung up close, but he had a constant fear that he'd just end up embarrassing himself consecutive times in front of his crush.

"Ah! Yea. Taehyung, Jimin. Jimin you know Taehyung don't you?" Jimin looked up from the ground and into Taehyung's eyes feeling as if he could just die at that moment.

"Hi" Jimin mumbled shyly extending his hand towards Taehyung. At that moment Taehyung felt like he couldn't speak. He didn't actually look at the boy when he approached the two. But once he did he couldn't stop admiring Jimin, everything about him, Taehyung could feel his palms threatening to sweat at the sound of such gentleness coming from his adorable face and quickly accepted the shorter boys' hand before retracting back in worries of having an awkward, clammy, sweaty, disgusting, mess of a handshake. His heart fluttered at the way Jimins small hand fit into his bigger one, feeling almost distraught having to let go. He was so delicate.

"Uh well you see calculus isn't that hard actually once you get the basics I mean it wouldn't burden me to help tutor you you know because that's not weird because we're not weird about this thing that definitely isn't weird. Right?" Taehyung didn't even know what he was spewing out anymore he was just flustered mess in front of what he considered the most beautiful being he's ever met in 19 years of his whole life and wondered why hadn't he ever noticed him. "Seventy-two" Jimin blurted out just as equally spaced out as he resisted from running his fingers through his crushes hair and used every cell in his body to stop from screaming. "Totally." Taehyung nodded- although both of them were aware that none of that made any sense.

Jin just stood there crossing his arms staring in confusion at the most out of context interaction he'd ever seen.

"Yo guys what the fuck"

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