1: Distrust

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The Husks remained trapped in the sticky situation they were in.

With their very limited power, they would struggle, for the fate of the country lied in their hands; the hands of destined heroes.

Alexis. Hunter. Alfred. Jeana. Skylar. Murray.

All of these imperfect figures are what creates a perfect scenario, with each of their imperfection crafted carefully by the Weaver of Fate.

No one knew whether they would earn their victory without a scratch or leave the havoc wounded heavily and begin to learn the world's cruelties.

Not the Bitten, not the Fourth Squad, not whoever the evil mastermind behind everything is. Not even the Weaver of Fate.

Not any of them could decide their fate.

Because it was exactly like what Alexis's father had said:

"You decide your future."

Alexis, Hunter, Alfred, Jeana, Skylar, and Murray, they'll decide their own future.
(Bytes: Dawn of the Apocalypse)

Without any more panicking, all the present people fought the Bitten that came towards them.

But not for so long, because they couldn't possibly handle all of the undead creatures.

"Fight or flight?" Hunter exclaimed in the middle of the bloody madness.

"Flight!" Alexis quickly made a decision, the Fourth Squad seemingly agreeing.

Both sides scampered away from the raging swarm of Bitten, away from the city and northward.

"Let's settle our battle as soon as we reach safety!" Hunter said.

No reply.

"I'll take that as a yes," Hunter said.

A few minutes passed as they ran away through the streets.

"Head away from civilization," Ignis changed the topic. "Also, we'll bed down for the night to recover."

Hunter turned to Ignis, and nodded.

In several minutes, they had reached the outskirts of the city. Building a particularly small shelter of dirt afterwards, they ended the day in peace.

It was just an asymmetrical and very improfessional dirt shack that was barely enough for eight people, much like the first house ever built.

The dome-shaped mound of dirt looked so ugly to people with artistic minds like Alexis, but was more than enough for a temporary shelter.

"Torches, check. Roof, check. Um, so we don't have a door?" Alfred asked, looking around the shack.

"You don't want all those zombies barging through the door while we sleep, do you?" Alexis answered with a question.

"Alright then.. Night, guys," Alfred said.

"Night," a few people answered in unison.

"I can't believe I'm sleeping under a dirt roof tonight.. Heh," Alfred snickered.

"Ha, you better get used to it, spoiled brat, cus we're gonna go through lotsa times like this," Hunter bantered.

"Well, it's not like I'm completely against this way of living, country boy."

"You guys, just go to sleep. I'll be fixing my shoulder up," Alexis ended the quarrel.


Exhausted, they all lied on the ground and slept for the night.

Well, except for one particular person..

And it was the red-haired girl Jeana; she had stayed aware for half an hour. There was one thing she couldn't get off her mind.


He woke up at her second call, and croaked out a question, "What is it?"

"How could you just sleep? We could get ourselves killed. I.. I don't trust them," she replied.

"It was Ignis's idea to take a break," Hunter explained.

"That's exactly why we must stay awake!"

"Where are you getting all the-"

"Hey, we should kill them. This is our chance," Jeana suggested, her hand reaching into her inventory.

"Jeana, no," Hunter held her hand. "It's your idea instead that'll get us all killed."

"How can you be so calm about this!? If I had slept for a second there, you guys would've been dead already."

Hunter rolled his eyes.

"Well, look at them! They're not showing any kind of threat," he reasoned.

"Just.. Keep in mind that I've warned you," Jeana finally gave in.

Hunter shrugged.

They both stared at the ugly-textured ceiling, exchanged glances, then looked back at the ceiling.

Hunter slowly closed his eyes to sleep, while Jeana stayed still, her eyes wide open.

She furrowed her brows at the sleeping knights and seemed to make a decision.

Sorry, Hunter, my instincts don't agree with you.

[Author's Note]
Finally, the first chapter of the sequel after ages! Sorry, the break certainly took way too long.. You might've even forgotten everything that happened in Book One.

But here ya go guys! Hope you like it!

[Fun Fact]
No one in the Shadow Jackals knows how Ignis's face looks like.

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