~Chapter 1~

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Ryan: Jason man what's wrong.

Jason: Nothing just meet this girl and she is very pretty her name is Katherine Black she is 15 but turn 16 and lives with her mother and her twin brother Luke.

Ryan: Is that Daniel's only daughter.

Jason: I don't know I never ask him about his life Ryan he is like a second dad to me but I know he miss his ex-wife she run away and then send some paper for him to sign so she can change her name.

Ryan:*Types the name in and smiles and then stops*Jason I think we should get over to Katherine's house now.

They both run out with after of the gang and his father and Daniel.

With Katherine.


Katherine: NO MUM MUM.*Feels someone grabs her and screams*MUM MUM.

???:*Opens the door*KYLIE.*Runs over to the man and beats him up*

Katherine:*Tries to get out of the mans arms*Let me go asshole.

???: Hey let her go.*Kills him and runs over to her*You ok.*Helps her up*

Katherine:*Looks at him and smiles*Yeah thanks.*Looks at her mother and runs over to her*Mum are you ok.

Kylie:*Smiles*Fine sweetheart.

Luke:*Runs over to them*MUM KATIE ARE YOU OK.

Kylie:*Laughs*We are fine sweetie.*Sits up and looks up and see Daniel and gives him a weak smiles*Hey.

???: Why did you leave.

Kylie: I had to keep the twins safe.

???: Kylie we could of keep them safe together.

Kylie: H he said he would kill the twins I could not let that happen when I found out I was having a girl I want to do anything to keep her safe with Luke.

Katherine: Mum who are this people.

Kylie:*Smiles at her*Remember when you keep asking for your father.

Katherine:*Smiles*Yeah you said he loved us and that he was away and you always told us about him and how a good man he was even if he was in a gang why.

Kylie:*Smiles*Katherine meet your father Daniel.

Katherine:*Smiles and gets up and runs and jumps in his arms and hugs him*I missed you daddy.

Daniel:*Smiles and hugs her back*I missed you to princess am not going anywhere I am here to stay I will keep you, yours brothers and mother safe.

Katherine:*Smiles and pulls away* Is Mason, Toby, Jackson, Aaron, Jacob, Chase and William here.

Daniel:*Laughs*Nothing Mason, Toby and Jackson Aaron, Jacob and Chase and William are back at there house they have together.


At the gang house.

Jason: Come Katherine I will show you your room.

Katherine:*Smiles and blush*Ok.*Follows Jason*

Pattie:*Smiles*He is in love.

Kylie:*Smiles*So is Katherine.

Daniel:*Smiles and wraps his arms around Kylie*I wonder how long it is before they have sex.

Kylie:*Laughs with Jeremy and Pattie*I think about 2 days they are like use we could never stop having sex.*Hears moaning*Or now.

Daniel:*Laughs with everyone*

Later that day.

Katherine:*Walks down and grabs something to cook and then sits down and eats and looks up and see her parents*Hey daddy mum.

Daniel:*Smiles and kiss her forehead*Hey princess.

Kylie: How are you settle in baby girl.


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