~Chapter 2~

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5 weeks later.

Jason:*Walks in with his new girlfriend and smiles*Hey everyone I would like you to meet Lauren my new girlfriend.

Kylie:*Looks at Katherine with Daniel, Jeremy and Pattie and signs and fakes smiles with everyone*It is so nice to meet you Lauren.

Lauren:*Fakes smiles*You to.

Katherine: Mum am just going to the girls room.*Walks off and takes her bag with her*

With Kylie.

Kylie:*Signs*Am worried about Katie.

Daniel:*Signs and looks at her*Am sure she is fine dear she is 16 soon she is a big girl now but she knows if she wants to talk she can talk to us.

Kylie:*Signs* I know but she has been in her room all the time and always comes out when she needs something.

Pattie:*Hugs her*Am sure she is fine its what girls do Kylie am sure by next week she will be fine.

Kylie:*Smiles*Thanks Pattie.

Later that day.

Everyone is in bed but Katherine.

Katherine:*Walks down and see Lauren and keeps walking*

Lauren: You know he will never know about the baby I know you write him a letter and guess what he will never know about that brat and he will forget about you like your parents and brothers they never loved you they felt sorry for you and so did everyone else they don't care if you leave you know.

Katherine:*Looks at her*You know what Lauren I am tried of you make my life a living hell and you know that if Jason finds out he will kill you before you work out am sure he would love to know that his girlfriend is the sister of the one who tried to kill his family but you know I don't care Jason is a big boy he can take care of himself but am going far away from here with my baby and I never want to be here if your here still.*Picks up her suitcase and walks in and puts them in the cab and gets in and tell him where to go*

The next day.

Ryan:*Runs down*Guys Katherine she gone all of her clothes are go nothing is there nothing not ever a letter.

Kylie:*Starts crying*N no she would of leaved a letter she always dose every time she go out.

Ryan: I have look every where I can not find anything.

Jason: Let the others know find her before someone else dose.

Later that day.

Ryan: Jason I might want to look at this.

Jason:*Looks down at Lauren*I will be back soon babe.*Pecks her lips and walks in his office*

The video.

Katherine:*Walks down and see Lauren and keeps walking*

Lauren: You know he will never know about the baby I know you write him a letter and guess what he will never know about that brat and he will forget about you like your parents and brothers they never loved you they felt sorry for you and so did everyone else they don't care if you leave you know.

Katherine:*Looks at her*You know what Lauren I am tried of you make my life a living hell and you know that if Jason finds out he will kill you before you work out am sure he would love to know that his girlfriend is the sister of the one who tried to kill his family but you know I don't care Jason is a big boy he can take care of himself but am going far away from here with my baby and I never want to be here if your here still.*Picks up her suitcase and walks in and puts them in the cab and gets in and tell him where to go*

The Video stops.

Jason:*Smiles really big and looks at everyone*Hank into the hospital computers and find her and my unborn child.*Walks out in the living room and grabs Lauren*WHERE THE HELL IS THE LETTER LAUREN I KNOW EVERYTHING I KNOW WHAT YOU SAID TO KATHERINE AND I KNOW SHE IS PREGNANT NOW WHERE IS THE LETTER.

Lauren:*Scared and gives him the letter*

Jason:*Grabs it*Take her to the cells I will be there soon.*Watch her get carried away and sits down and opens the letter*

Dear Jase,

I know you might not want to be there for us but I understand I mean you have a girlfriend know anyways today I found out I was pregnant and I really want to stay but I can not right am going to tell you something I have never like anyone like I like you Jase I think I even love you your was my first kiss and your the first one for me to have sex with and it was the best night of my life but I know you like Lauren so am fine about it but I could not stay there and watch you hold, kiss, get married and start a family with Lauren am sorry I really am I will send you photos of our unborn child but other then that I hope you have a happy life with Lauren who is Collin's sister by the way.

Lost of love Katherine and our unborn child.

Jason:*Starts crying*

Pattie:*Hugs him*We will find her right we will never stop looking for her and our grandchild.

Jason:*Smiles*Thanks mum.

Jeremy:*Rubs his back*Come on lets go and see Lauren Alex is with her and he is mad at her.

9 mouths later.

Katherine is now 9 mouths pregnant and can go into labour any day now and New year's eve.

Katherine:*Rubs her stomach*You really are wait for New years eve or day am I right buddy your going to be just like your father.

With Jason.

Jason:*Signs and looks around the baby room*

Pattie:*Walks in and rubs her arm*We will find her sweetie I know we will and then we can have a little you or Katherine run around here.

Jason: I know but I was thinking about move us to Alaska I mean we are safe there and I know that know one can you to my family.

Pattie:*Smiles*I think that is a great ideal son.

4 years later.


Jason:*Runs down and smiles and sits down*Hi mummy.

Katherine:*Smiles and kiss his forehead*Hey sweetie how are you today.

Jason:*Giggles*Am good mummy do I have to go to school.

Katherine:*Looks at him*Jason we have been over this you are going to school and that is the end of it.

Jason:*Signs*Fine but I hate fucking school.



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Jason:*Looks down*Sorry mummy.

Katherine:*Signs and picks him up*Just don't say it again right I don't want you to say that again right.

Jason:*Smiles*Yeah mummy.*Hugs her*

Katherine drops Jason off at get off to work.

With Jason.

Jason: So his name is Jason Alex McCann jr born the 1 January 2014 and he is 4 years old.

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