Forgive me & forgive you

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Shannons POV 

It's quiet out on this wintery day. No one for miles around. I'm so excited to make her my wife. To have and to hold , till death do us part , which may just happen. Not being morbid , just realistic. I knew the moment we both got  back after that brutal fight , I wanted to make her mine , never let her get away from me  again. I made a last minute ditch effort, asking Jay and Kim to join us. But to no avail, they decided  to not  answer the phone . Can't say ,that didn't sting a little. The one person who had your back since childhood wouldn't even hesitate to miss your wedding. If the tables were turned , no matter what words had been said in anger , I would still be there , no questions asked. Sick as I am , we are , they would have our blessings. Just showed me his try colors. I had a feeling , Kim was the one  plugging his head full of hatred towords me. I could see the difference in him since  they became close, I'm not blind.

" Is she ready yet ? We should really get this wedding going, I'm sorry to rush you both but ...... Auh ! Here she comes ! " He tunred and looked over my shoulder smiling. Right then , I knew she was gonna take my breath away. 

I turn my head slightly just to peek , I was wrong. She's gonna make me cry , she's so beautiful.  How lucky am I to enjoy this  vison of an angel walking towards me. Someone who would give their life for me , took care of me while I'm sick and never complained. I feel humbled and don't talk it for granted in the least bit. 

" Hi" she says shyly. It's sweet  her cheeks are blushing. Slowly,  she walks over in front me. Her  gown is blush pink , she's holding , white orchids and pink roses and baby's breath mixed  in. Her eyes are deep set and bright hazel in color, just like mine. 

I reach out for her hand, she entertwines her fingers into mine. Warmth of her skin makes me wanna fall asleep right now.  I flash back to many cold nights , while she was away at work, or out with Travis , I missed her warmth and loving touch. The priest interrupts my day dreaming to say he was to begin the ceremony.

Just as he  was about to open  up the good book , I hear a familar voice coming in the distance. It's jared ! Funny he should  show up now without even calling.

" Wait! Don't start without us! " He had Kim  with him and they like upset.

" We wanted to be here , it's a long story whyi didn't , meaning  we  hadn't called you guys. I wanted to suprose you both by having a double wedding. If your game for it. I couldn't speak to either of you , fearing one of you would spill the beans and ruin the suprise.  I know how you two are"  he said laughing,  shaking,  his pointer finger at us. He was right though, I couldn't keep  secret from her. Julie an Kim hugged and cried , I could tell they missed each other very much. I watched as they both got giddy and  gushed over Julie's dress and veil , girl stuff. But i missed my brother too. I was happy they showed up truthfully.

After all I had just jumped on her for not telling me she was sick. Ohhhh there's that.  Well better just get this over with now.

" We need to tell you guys something , it's big so you might wanna sit down. "  I bite my nail and watch as they looked at each with worry in their faces. 

" I have Cancer , cervical cancer. It's a shock to both of us and I lost the baby. Oh he by the way I was pregnant. I was so wrappped up in taking care of him , the businesse, bills that I just keep it inside and out on a brave face. I was scared though , I still am.  But there something I haven't told you babe. I've known I have cancer since I gor back with you. Travis doesn't know , but now you, Kim and Jay all know. I just don't know how to unravel the news to Travis. He's so strong yet has that soft on me shell , like you do. So anyways , thank you for showing up at the most of moment. "   I sat down and patted  my knee watching the waves crash against the rocks on the higher peaks. 

" Wow.....i wasn't expecting that. I don't think they were either. I'm upset you Leo it from me , but right now , I just wanna enjoy oh day , all of us , getting married. Double wedding sound perfect , don't you think guys ? "  Shannon smiled and pulled me to my feet and kisses me.

" Absolutely, in fact , I have tickets go us all to fly to Santorini, it's much , much warmer there. So let's all get packed and get out asses on that plane and get hitched ! He pulls out  four long stem glasses and a bottle of champagne , pouring us all a small glass. 

As we raised them high we toasted "To  all of us! We made it through all the  anger , sadness , the ups and downs. We are unbreakable and will be family , bonded, always. Cheers !"   Jared said as we all clinked , sipped , looking forward to new beautiful beginnings ahead.

We got on that plane bound for a warmer paradise. I couldn't wait.

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