Lord forgive me

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I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I slipped up and now I got a warrant out for my arrest. The last thing I want to do is run or avoid it cause matters only going to get worse. I'll give myself a week and a half and If they don't come and get me by then imma have to turn myself in.

I folded my paper up sticking it in the bottom of the drawer. I don't know how I'll tell Essence but the job needs get done. I can't even look her in the eyes right now, it hurt me so much knowing that I might be hurting her not physically but mentally.
"Last time I checked I was full grown so I ain't got time to play with ya. Keep on talking that bullshit I might make ya girl take pictures. Pose...."she came in the room singing.
"Bae, get up. I'm feeling a little better today"
"I-I'm not feeling well today"I lied.
"Why you playing? "
"What you talking about"
"Your lieing to me "she said rolling her eyes.
"You rub your nose or rub your hair when your lieing"
"No I don't"I said raising my hand but caught my self.
"See. You know I hate lieing and the thing is you lieing over somthing stupid"she snapped.


"So you either gon let me know whats up or you can sit there looking stupid and I'll handle things my way"I said.
"Some shit happened at the trap. Money missing and i lost some people in a shoot out the other day so I don't got money to be taking you out"
"You know I can care less about that fancy shit. It don't mean nothing to me so why would you lie instead of telling the truth?"

I looked up seeing mark walk through the door.
"Wassuh my nigga"
Gage thought he was slick trying to throw me off.
"We not done talking and I just asked you a question....My nigga"I mocked him
"Ooh you in trouble once again"
"Hello?"I snapped my fingers in his face
"Bae can we atleast talk about this in private "


Dumb ass nigga. I walked upstairs and put my ear to the door. The way Ess was talking she sounded pissed off and I wanna know what happened.
"And you still lieing to me.... Really? two times. Two. Two."she snapped.
"I got some shit on my plate I'm just not ready to address, you just gone have to respect that "
"There is no my business , your business. I tell you everything you wanna know wether I feel comfortable telling you about it or not. You bout to do the same so what's up?"
"Bitch"I mumbled not at her but at him. I ain't even have to see my nigga face to know she put a little bit of fear in his heart.
"I'll tell you. Right now not the time. "He said
"Okay, maybe I'm the one doing too much "she said I heard shuffling.
"What you doing?"he asked her. I'm telling y'all he whipped as hell.
" Don't worry about me "


"Get out my way"I calmly asked as he stood Infront of the door.
"C'mon tell me "
"You see the shit I'm talking about. You want to know every damn thing but you you don't want to talk to me "I said growing impatient.

"All I want to know is where you going and I'll move."
"Well I'll stay here"
"And I'll jump out the window"I said. I really have no problem doing it.
"No you won't"he laughed in my face.
I walked over to the window and moved the curtains and ripped the blinds out the window. I took the screen out and opened the window as far as it would go. I put one leg out and held on tightly I lifted my other leg and gage weird ass pulled me back making me sigh.
"I really don't feel like being bothered right now"
"Well I'll stay in another room till you cool off"
"What part ain't you getting through ya thick ass skull? "Your presence is annoying me. I don't want to be around you right now"I snapped.
"Alright man"
I left my phone on the dresser on purpose and walked out.
"Where you going "Mark asked
"Up your ass"
" Damn. Snapping on me for what?"
I walked over to him giving him a hug and apologized for yelling.



"What the fuck am I support to do?"
"Shit, I'm down to take the time for you "
"Nah. This was my fault. I should have planned the shit out better"
"What they want you for?"
"A bunch of shit I did months ago. I got stopped with pills and coke a long time ago and the cop told me she wasn't Gon do shit cause she is a Officer on payroll for someone that the both of us knew. So either she went back and said somthing or this is some bull shit."

"Imma go get on that soon "

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