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HOW SIRIUS MANAGES TO play off the horror of the howler, Aurelia doesn't know, but soon enough, the laughter is dying away and people are going back to their breakfasts. When she tries to catch a glimpse of him, she sees him laughing with the boy in glasses- James, wasn't it?- his head thrown back carelessly.

(She wonders how much it's eating away at him on the inside, and feels slightly sick.)

Bellatrix and Narcissa both look stony, almost frozen, and Andromeda's face is red as a few Slytherins glance their way curiously. Aurelia thinks back to the few occasions she's met Sirius' mother, and shivers. The woman is intimidating to say the least, and though his tone was light, he's right- she's much worse in person.

She manages to finish a few slices of toast, giving her uneaten sausages to Hercules, who wolfs them down whole, and takes off after Raj and Marius, undoubtably heading for the owlery. Suddenly, plates are being cleared and students are throwing cloaks on, grabbing bags from under tables and heading out of the hall.

"Bags!" Priya suddenly exclaims, as Andromeda swings a satchel over her shoulder. Colette curses.
"What've we got first?" She asks, throwing her fork down. It bounces along the table, and almost knocks over someone's goblet as Aurelia digs her timetable out of her pocket.
"If we've all got the same-"
"You will, if you're all in the same room." Andromeda interjects as she leaves, waving distractedly.
"-then we've got Potions first." She finishes, running a finger over the parchment.
"Right. Fine- we can do that, we're in the dungeons anyway." Colette declares, leaping to her feet, dragging Diana up with her.
"We'll have to run," Priya says, sliding off the bench, "we've only got five minutes."

They practically sprint from the hall, ties and robes flying out behind them, skidding over the marble floors as they try and regain their surroundings. It's Rose who remembers the way back, leading the way down the stairs, where they all hurriedly shriek the password as one howl, pushing and shoving as the bricks slide back.

Once they've panted their way back to their room, still in chaos, Aurelia throws her trunk open, timetable in one hand, shoving the books she needs for the day into the smart black satchel her father bought for her, on the day she got her wand.

"Ink? I can't find my ink!" Priya wails. Rose throws a bottle across the room, and she manages to catch it before it can smash onto the stone of the floor- or the glass of the windows. Aurelia throws a few quills into her bag, along with her own bottle of ink, and scrolls of parchment.

"Merlin, I can't find my potions book-" Diana throws a pair of socks into the air, searching through her trunk.
"It's under your dress robes." Colette calls, slicking on some glittery lipgloss, the brush making pink bubbles float lazily through the air.
"One minute." Priya says anxiously as Rose tosses her bag over her shoulder, tapping her foot impatiently.
"Let's go." She commands, pulling the door open.

HOWLER ⇒ Remus Lupin Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz