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The first months pass in a flurry of classes, teachers, and other students. They gape as Professor McGonagall, the transfiguration teacher, turns into a cat before their very eyes, strutting between the desks with severe yellow eyes. They laugh as they hold nifflers for the first time, scurrying little beasts that seek out gold like metal detectors, and spend a day half asleep after spending the night in the astronomy tower, watching the stars.

Several things are established. Firstly, it seems destiny that James Potter and Sirius Black should meet- by the end of September, they're hauled in front of Mcgonagall for making all the brooms of the Slytherin Quiddich team bright pink- an exceptionally difficult task that wasn't reversed in time for the team's first match against Gryffindor. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like the weeks of detentions that follow put the two off, and whenever they're seen together, everyone becomes vaguely nervous.

The two's sudden, inseparable friendship stings Aurelia more than she lets on. She'd always counted Sirius as her best friend- her only friend, actually, but she doesn't like to think about that either- but now he barely looks at her, his eyes sliding past her, as if all he can see is the green and silver on her skin. Instead, he's always surrounded by Gryffindors, laughing and joking- two of which are Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew.

Remus, as far as Aurelia can tell, keeps pretty much to himself. He doesn't join in with the boisterous riot of James and Sirius, preferring to actually do the class work rather than set Severus Snape's books on fire, and whenever Aurelia attempts conversation, he's polite, but distant. Much more enthusiastic is Peter- he doesn't seem to particularly care who belongs to what house, but is always ready to chat to her, and Priya, who he had taken an immediate liking to. Although he's a little too in awe of Sirius and James for Aurelia's liking, he makes Priya laugh like no one else does, and more than once Aurelia catches the girl's Hufflepuff ex-friends looking over longingly.

Friends in general were something that Aurelia was slowly adapting to. There were obvious tensions in the little group she'd been dealt, she knows- whenever Diana and Rose are together, there are moments of stiflingly awkward silence- but for the most part, they work well. Colette's breezy approach to life aligns with Rose's unruffled attitude to everything- nothing seems to faze her- whilst Diana's pessimism and Priya's optimism brings out the best (and sometimes the worst) in each other. As for herself, Aurelia wasn't sure where she fit, but the other girls were always welcoming, and besides, no one was making new friends by December- the groups have been pretty much decided.

And so by the time the calendars turn to December, it's not exactly the feeling of home that Aurelia was hoping for that tinges the walls of Hogwarts- but more familiarity. Of course, there are things she wishes she could change (she's fairly certain that she'd drop everything in a heartbeat to be placed into Gryffindor) but she decides, as she watches Diana and Priya attempt to hang tinsel above the beds, that she prefers it here to Brennan Castle.

HOWLER ⇒ Remus Lupin Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz