Chapter 5

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A/N I don't know if anyone saw this, but Chapter four was the same as Chapter five for a while. I don't know what that was about. Also, I've really just been lazy for the past few months. Updates will most likely be really slow. I'd like to thank you all again for your support on this story. It wasn't something I expected, but I really do appreciate it. Thank You All. Now on to the real chapter five.

Nagisa was at the Koureki Mansion, Karma telling him where to go through an earpiece. He moved silently through the dark halls, towards the bedroom where the Target should be sleeping. His bright blue hair had been died black and covered with a black hat, although, his eyes still shone in the darkness. He was truly a snake, sneaking up on his sleeping prey, relying only his senses. 

Karma, through the earpiece, had suddenly whispered something to Nagisa. "Be careful. Somebody is coming."

Nagisa took note of this and slid into an even darker corner, which was surprisingly possible. The man walked past him with a loud yawn. Looking closer, Nagisa could see that this was his Target. The man had entered a room just a few feet away, and left the door conveniently open. The light was off and soon soft snores were heard in the hallway. 

Nagisa took this as his chance and walked into the room stealthily. He brought out his knife and carefully ran it over the man's throat. A coat of warm blood calmly seeped from the cut. The Target had been killed and the mission completed. 

Although, this scenario seemed too easy, like it was planned that this man would die right now in this room. Nagisa had a bad feeling, but reported to Karma that the Target had been assassinated. The Man's son would wake up in the morning and find his father dead. 


The next day, none of the four boys showed up to school. They had gone back home and given their report to Mr.Karasuma. Their job was done. Or so it seemed. 

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