Chapter Eight

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"The sirens have him. All they left was this note." Scott held out the crumbling piece of paper to show the pack. They were all standing in a circle olaround Deaton's operating table. Scott had called a pack meeting as soon as he told Deaton the news.

Lydia took the paper from him gently, "And that's all they left?"
"As far as I can tell yes." The alpha pulled out his phone, "I got a text from Derek just before I came over, he said that he had found something."

"How do we know that Derek actually sent that, it could have been the sirens for all we know." Said Malia.

"Or maybe they took him because of what he knew." Added Lydia, her strawberry blonde hair falling off of her shoulder. "I still want to know who this 'ocean prince' is too, we need him if we want to get Derek back." She continued.

"What even is an ocean prince anyway?" Liam groaned rubbing his eyes. He clearly didn't want to be awake at half ten at night, he obviously needed his beauty sleep

"A prince of the ocean duh!" answered the werecoyote.

"Actually," Deaton said, walking into the room, "The prince they are talking about is the prince of the merfolk."

Scott looked rather shocked,  "Mermaids?"

"Yes Scott, mermaids."

"Deaton you said that you knew them, this prince, who is he?" Lydia stepped forward, crossing her arms.

"I'm afraid I can't tell you."

"Deaton, we need to know!" Scott raised his voice at the vet.

"You will find out soon." The vet replied.

"We better! We only have until the next full moon to find this guy and if we don't, who knows what the sirens will do to him."

Scott felt almost sick that someone would take a member of the pack, a werewolf of the pack. It always often Stiles he had to save, people took him because they thought he was the weakest of them but they were wrong. To the pack, Stiles was the weakest physically but mentally he was one of the strongest. It seemed that the boy could talk his way out of any situation.

'What did Derek find out?' The thought nagged at the alpha's mind. 'He must have known something, maybe it was in those books he had.'

"We need to go to the loft. He had left a whole pile of books on the taboe where I found the note, maybe there's something on one of those. " he said.

"Good idea."


The pack searched through the large pile of battered books desperately searching for something, anything that could help them in any way at all but they found nothing that they didn't already know. Knowledge of merfolk and sirens, was surprisingly slim to start off with. Merfolk kept themselves to themselves and the majority of the information on the sirens was from old fairy tales so it was uncertain whether the details were fact or fiction.

Lydia picked up the ripped book which had lay on the centre of the table, "What do you think was in here?" She asked, curiously searching beneath other books to try and find one of the pages.

Scott looked over to see what she was doing, "Hang on," he said, "that was the book I found the note on." He walked over to the banshee.

She inspected what was left of the book. It was leather-bound, like most of the other books on the table however it was painted a vibrant blue, just a shade or two light than the midnight sky. On the front there was a masterfully painted image that seemed to be of two eels twisting around some kind of spear.

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