One Piece - Jealous!Sanji x Reader - MY Sweet Y/n

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,,Nami! Are you Ready?!'' I Asked Excitedly. I Was Waiting for Nami in Front of the Ship. We Arrived a Few Hours ago and I Can't wait anymore! The City is Really Big and there were Many Places to Go! Just The Thought of So Many Shops, Especially the Weapon Shops are so Exciting!

I Originally wanted to Go on my Own, Exploring the City, but when Nami Caught Wind of it, she wanted to Desperately Come as Well. ,,Yeah, I'm Ready!'' She Yelled and Jumped off the Ship. ,,Robin is already Waiting for us at the Fountain at the Center of the City, so Let's not Waste anymore Time!'' She Said, with Sparkling Eyes.

I Guess She is More Excited than I Am.... ,,Nami-Swwaannn!!!~ (Y/n)-Chhwwaaaannnn!!!~ Where are you Two Lovely Ladies Going?~'' Here we go Again...... Nami and I Looked at Sanji who was Waving at us From the Ship.

I Blushed a bit. I Always Liked him, but I Never Told him Because he Flirts with Every Pretty Lady that Walks Past him and I Don't Really Think he Feels the Same. ,,At the Malls! If you want, you can come and Help me Carrying the Suff!~'' Nami Said Sweetly. I Swear, after this Small Tour he will be Death Suffocated by all those Bags Nami Buys. ,,Sure!!!! I Will Come with you, My Sweet Nami-Swwaaannn!!!'' He Yelled, and in a Few Seconds, there he was, Standing In Front of us with his Usual Perverted Expression.

,,Don't Worry (Y/n)-Chwan, Nami-Swan. I Will Protect you with my Life.'' He Said and Bowed in front of us. We Began to Walk, and after a Few Minutes we Reached the Fountain. Robin was Sitting on a Bench, Reading a Book.

She Put it away and Stood up once she Noticed us. ,,Finally Here, I See.'' She Said and Smiled at us. Sanji Literally Died of a Nose Bleed. ,,Sorry For Making you Wait, Robin!'' Nami Said and Smiled at her. The Two of Them Started Talking about where they Wanted to go While I Looked around.... Or at Least 'Tried'..... The City was Really, REALLY Full of People, and I Was not Exactly the Biggest one of them! It would be Easy to get Lost Here. Phew, Good No one Invited Zoro.....

I Continued 'Trying' to Look around when I Suddenly Heard Someone ,,Excuse me Miss.'' The Voice Came from Behind me. I Turned Around, only to See a Tall, Not Even that Bad Looking, Guy Standing there in Front of me. He Had Black Short Hair and Dark Eyes. ,,Yes, Sir?'' I Asked, Trying to be as Polite as Possible.

,,I Saw your Two Beautiful Orbs Searching for Something, So I Couldn't Contain myself From Asking If I Could Help This Sweet Lady.'' He Said in a Really Chivalrous Manner. I Blushed a bit because of the Compliments, I'm not Used on getting So Many from Someone Else, Other than those from Sanji. I didn't Notice a 'Certain Someone' that was Standing behind me, Glaring at the Man.

,,Ah, That Would be Really Nice! I Was Actually Searching for a Weapon Shop!'' I Said and Smiled at the Man. ,,A Weapon Shop, for Such a Delicate Flower as Yourself?'' He Asked a Bit Amazed, but Polite. Again, I Blushed a bit. ,,Hehe... Let's Say, I Use to Fight a Lot.....!'' I Answered Nervously with a Smile and Scratched the Back of My Head.

,,Oh, I Understand! Someone as Beautiful and Sweet as you Sure has to Defend herself a Lot these Days. I'll be More that Delighted to Show you to the Weapon Shop, that is if you'd Like me to, Milady.'' He Said and Took my Hand while Crouching Down. His Face Came Closer to my Hand and was about to give it a Small Kiss, but Suddenly Someone Grabbed my Wrist and Pulled it away from him.

The Sudden Movement Startled me as I Looked at the Person That was Standing right Next to me. Sanji. I Looked up at him, but he wasn't Paying Attention to me, he was too Bussy Glaring at the Man, who was now Standing up and Glaring back. Nami and Robin were Still Discussing?! Really?! ,,Oi.'' Sanji Began. ,,What Is the Meaning of this?'' The Man Asked.

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